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Engineering Division 49
Memorandum Report No. ENG-695-32-N
4 March 1944


Determination of Degree of Wind Resistance of Hydrovized Lining in Alpaca lined Suit.


Comparison of hydrovized lined alpaca suit and unlined alpaca suit in open cockpit plane at 6°C by interchanging of jackets by two subjects with equal cockpit wind. Each subject wore each jacket approximately 3/4 hour.


Both subjects found a difference of 100% between the two jackets in favor of the hydrovized suit for wind resistance.
1. In the unlined jacket, both subjects felt very cold immediately in the wind of the open cockpit.
2. In the lined jacket both subjects felt warm the entire test period.


1. For further results on this comparison see cold chamber experiments by Lt. Taylor.
2. Lining also needs further testing on perspiration evaporation ability. 
