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B-WF-d0-27-42-50M                                     D23/57  P-1
MEMORANDUM REPORT ON                        


SUBJECT: Master Charts for Distribution of Clothing Sizes for Female Personnel

Date 12 January 1945

Laboratory Section   Aero Medical          

Contract No. 
Expenditure Order No. 695-35
Purchase Order No.
SERIAL No. TSTAL-3-695-32MM      

A. Purpose:
1. To supplement, with data on Flying Nurses and WASP's, the master size distribution charts for purposes of scheduling flying clothing sizes.

B. Factual Data:

1. Reference is made to Memorandum Report No. ENG-49-695-32V,subject: "Tailor's Dimensions of AAF Flying Personnel," dated 20 June 1944, in which master size distribution charts are presented for purposes of scheduling sizes of flying clothing for male AAF personnel.

2. Reference is also made to Memorandum Report No. ENG-49-695-32A, subject: Body Measurements of Female Flying Personnel," dated 1 September 1943, in which data are presented on 152 flying nurses and 447 women pilots.

3. Subsequent to the dates on which the above-mentioned personnel were measures, the WASP's have been discontinued, and the sizes permitted for flying nurses increased approximately  the limits previously permitted for the WASP's. For this reason, two sets of charts are presented: One set on Flying Nurses and one on WASP's, either of which may be utilized in scheduling clothing, provided the basis of issue is properly determined, for present flying nurses, or for all, including those now acceptable up to six (6) feel tall and 165 pounds in weight.
4. Appendix I presents frequency distribution charts for chest circumference and arm length, which is closely associated with the tailor's sleeve length.
5. Appendix II presents charts for waist circumference and waist height, closely associated with trouser outseam.
6. Appendix III presents charts for hip circumference and waist height.

                                            No. of pages- 8