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two WAAC units at once, and that the Director, WAAC, was to be responsible for "administrative arrangements" for these units. It added that units recruited later would go trough WAAC basic training before being placed on duty, but that the firsts units, in order to be available for duty at once, would begin service as soon as they were recruited and would be placed on commutation of rations and quarters as temporary measure. The Secretary of War approved this plan 19 March 1942.

On 18 June 1942 the AAF, citing the 9 March letter, asked The Adjutant General accordingly obligingly published a letter to the Commanding General of the First Air Force authorizing him to activate one WAAC operations company and the WAAC filter company. On the twentieth of June this letter was hastily rescinded by telegram to the First Air Force which stated that all orders activating WAAC units would be written by the Services of Supply, since the new Women's Army Auxiliary Corps (established by Act of Congress 14 May 1942) was being placed under the supervision of SOS. 

Repercussions from this laudable attempt on the part of AAF to go into operation immediately, so far setting up WAAC units was concerned, did not die down before the end of the month, when telegram from the Fourth Fighter Command, with headquarters in Oakland, to the Director of Air Defense in AAF Headquarters, dated 26 June 1942, announced that "information
