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Publishers' Chat with Readers
Our advertising is encroaching on our reading matter to such an extent that some enlargement of our space is necessary. Beginning with the Easter number, therefore, THE CRISIS will be 48 instead of 44 pages. 


The Easter number will be the best number we have ever issued, and that is saying a good deal. the cover will be a reproduction in the original colors of an exquisite water color by Richard Brown, the new young colored artist, protégé of the N.A.A.C.P., who has been pronounced by a great English critic "one of the two best artists in America." Mr. Brown is painting this picture especially for THE CRISIS. 

Beside this we are glad to announce one of the literary events of the year, a new short story, "The Doll," by Charles W. Chesnutt. 

This is Mr. Chesnutt's only published work since "The Colonel's Dream," and is done in his usual inimitable style. 

NEW DRESS - Simultaneously with our enlargement will come some changes in typography - a wider column, some decorative initials and many minor matters to increase the comfort of the reader. In fact, we propose to have the best printed magazine in America before we are satisfied. 

BOOKS - When our advertising man wanted to open a department for the sale of books we were a bit doubtful. Now that he has already sold over $200 worth we are convinced. He is prepared to-day to execute all your book orders at the lowest rates. We handle all published books on any subject. Try us. 

PICTURES - We sell pictures. Imagine, for instance, the head of our cover girl on heavy tinted paper for framing! Only 15 cents. Then there's Douglass, John Brown, anybody, at a very reasonable rate. Write us. 

CIRCULATION - Our business man says we shall have to print 20,000 copies for Easter. We ran out last month and had to disappoint several agents.

ADVERTISING - We consider ourselves fortunate in having reached that stage where we may point with pride to a list of satisfied advertisers, who, by their expressions of confidence in our worth as an advertising medium, have made us such a factor in the business world as to warrant our asking a higher price for advertising space. 

First and foremost, with us is the desire to gain and retain the confidence of our readers and advertisers. To this end we have kept our standard high by offering the most reliable advertisements, and this policy will be strictly followed. 

Beginning May 1, 1912, the advertising rates will be advanced to 10 cents per line, agate measurement (14 lines to the inch), but all contracts made prior to that date will be honored at the present low rate until the date of their expiration.

To those to whose support and encouragement we owe the existence of THE CRISIS we promise that our most sincere efforts will be made to bring together the best representatives of the world's commercial highway, with a tempting variety of luxuries and necessities, making our advertising department a real department store where each member of the family may shop "by the fireside."

The following excerpts from letters may be of interest to our readers and advertisers:

"The results to date have been very satisfactory to us; the replies received indicating that your magazine has a good circulation among mail-order buyers.

"We have advertised in a number of magazines and have paid as high as $7 per line for space, and in many cases the results were not equal to those received from your magazine in which the rates are very much lower."

"I am pleased to inform you that my advertisement in THE CRISIS has brought satisfactory results. This morning's mail brings me a letter from Pennsylvania and one from Kansas."


"Please find enclosed check for $8 to settle our account. We had a few important inquiries from your many readers and will call on you again."
Published by the National Association for the Advancement of Colored people, at 20 Vesey Street, New York City.
M. D. MACLEAN, Managing Editor
FRANK M. TURNER, Circulation Manager
ALBON L. HOLSEY, Advertising Manager
Contributing Editors
SUBSCRIPTION: $1.00 a year; 50 cents for six months. Foreign subscriptions, 25 cents extra.
COVER PICTURE. By John Henry Adams.             PAGE
ALONG THE COLOR LINE............................ 183
MEN OF THE MONTH................................ 190
OPINION......................................... 192
EDITORIAL....................................... 197
THE DRAMA IN COLORED AMERICA-I.................. 198
                 COLORED PEOPLE................. 203
A FEDERAL REMEDY FOR LYNCHING. By the Hon. A. E. Pillsbury....................................... 205
THE BURDEN...................................... 209
HISTORIC DAYS IN MARCH. By L. M. Hershaw........ 210
WHAT TO READ. By Jessie Fauset.................. 211
For the past year the country at large has read with increasing interest and instruction your splendid publication, THE CRISIS. It is no doubt the ablest and most timely publication of the day dealing with the problems of the darker races. Splendidly arranged, unrivaled in the force and power of its editorship, difficult to be surpassed in literary form, THE CRISIS is the most potent and convincing voice pleading to a prejudiced world for the liberty, equality and justice to colored peoples. I have enjoyed and learned much from it and I believe that its appearance has increased the inspiration of the darker peoples and strengthened their determination in the United States and elsewhere to continue the struggle for justice and freedom to the very end. As an evidence that it may continue and prosper I have done for it what I do not do for anybody- ask for subscriptions.
   Chicago, Ill.
I am writing to congratulate you upon the editorial "The Gall of Bitterness" and upon securing for THE CRISIS the picture "The Social Life of Colored America." Both will make particularly good impression upon the readers of THE CRISIS. The editorial is simply perfect; could not be improved upon. We have received several letters from our subscribers who have received the two recent issues of THE CRISIS expressing their thanks and praise for the publication.
Yours faithfully,
   Philadelphia, Pa.
May I take this opportunity to congratulate you on the excellent magazine you are publishing and on the splendid success of the same? Sincerely wishing you a continuance of all this, I am,
Yours for the race,
   Chicago, Ill.
Agents wanted who can furnish references.
Entered as second-class matter in the post office at New York City.