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said: "Negroes themselves are largely to blame for the contempt in which they are held and the impunity with which their liberties and their lives may be invaded. Sheriffs, mayors, courts, governors will not take seriously the interests of a people who have lost or surrendered the right to retaliate or call them to account at the ballot box. Mobs do not quail when there is no fear that their wild brutalities will be answered by a volley of bullets.
"I am unwillingly but slowly coming to the conclusion that the only way for the Negro in particular, and the dark-skinned people in general, to win and hold the respect of white people is to mete out to them a white man's measure in all the relations of life."

A very successful recital was given in Boston by Clarence Cameron White, violinist, and Mrs. Maud Cuney Hare, pianist. On the program was Bruch's "Concerto in G Minor" and Coleridge Taylor's "African Dance No. 1." Mr. Rowland Hayes sang.

¶ In the month of December the Wellington Musical Union of Australia gave their third subscription concert. The patrons were his excellency, the governor of New Zealand, Lord Islington and the right honorable, the premier, Sir Joseph G. Ward.
The work performed was Gonoud's "Faust" in "oratorio" form. Mr. Hamilton Hodges, baritone, of Auckland New Zealand, sang the part of Mephistopheles. According to the reviewers, "Mr. Hodges was quite the best of the soloists. He gave a fine rendering of the role and was effective and convincing."
Mr. Hodges is a colored American, having been born in Boston, Mass. For many years he has made his home in Auckland, New Zealand, where he maintains a studio and engages in concert performances. Upon his return last year from an extended visit to this country, he was warmly welcomed by the audiences, before whom he presented an exacting programme, singing groups of Italian, Germain, French, and English songs. The New Zealand Herald says of this singer: "the programme was one which no vocalist, unless absolutely certain of the fullest possession of his powers, would have had the temerity to present to a critical audience - his singing entirely justified his self confidence."

¶ A music-study club of Washington D. C., has been organized. Its membership is composed of musicians who have studied the higher forms of music composition and analysis. Its object is personal development. Mr. Henry L. Grant is the secretary.

¶ On January 26 the Washington Con-servatory of Music, Washington, D. C., gave the second of the series of artists recitals, presenting the new director of the vocal department, Mr. Harry A. Williams; tenor who was assisted by Mr. Leonard Jeter, violincellist, and Mr. Henry L. Grant, pianist.
Mr. Williams sang modern songs, including a group of French songs, and one of his own compositions, "If I Were King."

¶ Illness prevented Landon Ronald from conducting the New Symphony Orchestra at their recent concert given at Queen's Hall, London. The conducting was carried out by Sir Edward Elgar and Mr. Samuel Coleridge-Taylor, the latter directing Haydn symphony in G and the orchestral accompaniment to Saint-Saens' G minor panoforte concerto. 

¶ Mr. S. Coleridge-Taylor has lately been chosen conductor of the Stock Exchange Orchestral Society, and the first concert under his directorship was given December 7 at Queen's Hall. 

¶ Mr. Harrison Emmanuel, violinist, gave a recital on January 29 at Kimball Hall, Chicago, Ill. He was assisted by Mrs. Marie Burton-Hyram, soprano. Mr. Emmanuel presented a very fine programme, which included Wieniawski's Concerto No. 2 and Kreisler's Caprice Viennous. 

¶ The Royal College of Music, London, Eng., presented this season a successful and interesting novelty in the form of Mr. Douglas Taylor's orchestral fantasy, "Uncle Remus," which was directed by the composer. "Uncle Remus" stories are based upon traditional Negro folklore, and the mood of the piece shows the suggestion of the subject. 

¶ Mr. George Chadwick's new symphonic suite was played on February 2 by Mr. Damrosch's orchestra for the first time in New York. The New York Sun says of the work: "The salient char-acteristic of the entire composition is the frankness of its melodic style. This suite betrays the awful fact that Mr. Chadwick has been bitten by the Dvorak American music insect. He has not hesitated to write intellectual ragtime, such as the Bohemian put into his American symphony. Nor has the distinguished head of the New England Conservatory shrunk from openly imitating the melodic line of the Negro tunes. On the whole, the composition is well made and well orchestrated." 



Since our last record there have been eight lynchings of colored people:
At Hamilton, Ga., three men and a girl were killed for the alleged murder of a white man. The sheriff from whom the prisoners were taken is said to be the uncle of the dead man. One despatch says:
"Hadley was an unmarried planter, and it is said he was infatuated with the girl, Bertha Hathaway. He had been pursuing the girl and had been warned to keep away from her. He disregarded the warning, however, and Sunday afternoon went to the girl's home and tried to get her to come out with him. While Hadley was at the girl's home he was shot, but no one knows by whom. Henry Anderson, one of the Negroes lynched, is said to have wanted to marry this girl, and it is possible that he shot the young planter. The first reports stated that Hadley was killed at his own house, but this was incorrect. The girl was twenty years old."
At Cordel, Ga., a colored man was lynched.  He was accused of felonious assault upon a white woman.
In Bessemer, Ala., a colored man, accused of murder was shot to death by Italians.
In Vidalia, Ga., a colored man was lynched for murder. The lynchers are said to have been Negroes.
In Macon, Ga. a colored man, accused of assaulting and robbing a white woman, was lynched and his body burned. 

¶ In Hickman, Ky., the poor whites are determined to run Negro laborers away, while the rich planters are striving to preserve cheap labor.  A short time ago two white men tried to kill a Negro, but he succeeded in killing them.  Later a group of white men shot tow Negro boys, wounding them seriously.  There have been no arrests. 

¶ Fifteen colored women have been killed in Atlanta during the last year, and the guilty parties have not been found. 

¶ A white schoolboy in Indianapolis deliberately shot an elven-year-old colored boy, who probably will not live.
There is some evidence of renewed effort at Coatesville in ferreting out the lynchers after a period of quiescence. Three accused men are in jail and the attorney-general is asking for a change of venue.

A bill has been introduced into the Maryland Legislature against lynching, with severe penalties. 

¶ Harry Foster Dean has been granted a judgment of $300 in his suit against the Chicago & New York Western Railway because he was refused admission to an elevator in the railroad station on account of his color. 

¶ The Knights of Pythias of Tennessee have succeeded in getting a final court decision, restraining the colored Knights of Pythias from operating in the State. 

¶ The Supreme Court of Louisiana has decided that the Negro has a right to a seat in the portion of a car set aside for while people provided there is no space left in the colored portion of the car. The case was that of Joseph Anderson against the New Orleans Railways & Light Company. Anderson was awarded $250 damages. 

¶ A case of the greatest interest, involving the whole question of the color line, is being argued before the South African Appeal Court, consisting of Lord De Villiers, the chief justice, and the four other judges of appeal. The suit is brought by a European landowner, Mr. Moller, living in the Keimoes district, in the northwest of Cape Colony. He recently applied to the Cape Provincial Court for an order compelling the local school authorities to admit his two children to school. The contention is that Mr. Moller's wife is "off-colored," and on this account his children were expelled from school, owing to the objections of the parents of other scholars. The judge in the Cape Provincial Court refused the application. Mr. Moller then appealed to the full bench of the Cape Provincial division, and his appeal was dismissed. The matter now comes before the highest tribunal in the land. 

¶ Attorneys Hawkins & McMechen won their first motion against the segregation ordinance of Baltimore when they succeeded in blocking a motion to interfere with a colored church which is on a "white" street.
¶ A banquet was tendered Captain Charles Young as he passed through New York on his way to Liberia. Eighteen men sat at table. The bill of fare was in the form of an army commission and the favors were swords. Among the after-dinner speakers were Bishop Walters, Collector Anderson and the guest of honor. Captain Young will have three commissioned officers under him in Liberia, and will have unusual powers of administration in forming a constabulary. 

¶ The Y.W.C.A. of Philadelphia, after increasing its membership to 375 and raising funds sufficient to employ a secretary and pay all expenses for one year, has become a branch of the main association of that city and will be included in the $500,000 building campaign which is to be begun early next fall.