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A limited number of free beds maintained for the worthy poor. Other ward patients maintained at $7.00 per week. 
Private rooms can be secured from $12.00 to $30.00 per week.
The training school for nurses maintains a two years' course. 
A high school cert-ificate, or an edu-cation sufficient to be considered an equivalent, necessary for admission.

Five thousand dol-lars endows a free bed.

Andrew F. Stevens,

Frederick Douglass Memorial Hospital and Training School, Philadelphia, P.A.

Underwood Standard Typewriter 

The UNDERWOOD is designed on correct mechanical principles, is made of the best material and is unequalled in speed, accuracy, ease of operation and durability. UNDERWOOD sales exceed those of any other machine.


Underwood Typewriter Co.,
Underwood Building New York

Published by

The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People

1. Disenfranchisment: A powerful argu-ment by the Rev. John Haynes Homes. Price 5 cents.
2. Education of the South: Facts about the discrimination against the Negro. By the Rev. Horace Bumstead, former presi-dent of Atlanta University. Price 5 cents.
3. The Real Race Problem: A scientific comparison of the black and white man by America's foremost anthropologist, Prof. Boas, of Columbia University. Price 5 cents.
4. Social Control: By Jane Addams, of Hull House. Price 1 cent.
5. The Negro as a Soldier: By Briga-dier General Burt, U.S.A. Price 5 cents.
6. Leaving It to the South: An experi-ence and some conclusions by Charles Edward Russell. Price 5 cents.
7. Views of the Southern Woman: By Adelene Moffat. Price 2 cents.

The Crisis Book Department

Offices: Suite 311 20 Vesey Street, New York. Incorporated May 25, 1911

Object.--The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People is an organization of persons who believe that the present prejudice against colored races, and particularly the denial of rights and opportunities to ten million Americans of Negro descent, is not only unjust and a menace to our free institutions, but also is a direct hindrance to World Peace and the realization of Human Brotherhood,

Methods,-- The Work is carried on by four bureaus: 1. Lecture Bureau. 2. Bureau of Legal Assistance. 3. Bureau of Information. 4 Bureau of Publicity and Research.
The organ of the association is The Crisis.

Organization.--Membership is open to all. The annual fee varies from $1 to $100. Life memberships are $500. The expenses of the association for the last twelve months were $9,000. We need $14,000 for the coming year.


National President -- Mr. Moorfield Storey, Boston, Mass.
Vice-Presidents -- 
Rev. John Haynes Holmes, New York.
Mr. John E. Milholland, New York.
Bishop Alexander Walters, New York.
Rev. Garnet R. Waller, Baltimore, Md.

Chairman of the Executive Committee--
Mr. Oswald Garrison Villard, New York.

Treasurer --
Mr. Walter E. Sachs, New York.

Director of Publicity and Research--
Dr. W.E.B Du Bois, New York.

Secretary -- Miss Mary W. Ovington, Brooklyn, New York.

Assistant Secretary -- Miss Martha Gruening, New York.

Terms Expire 1913

Mr. George W. Crawford, New Haven
Mr. Thomas Ewing, Jr., New York
Mr. Paul Kennaday, New York
Mr. Joseph P. Loud, Boston
Mr. Royal Freeman Nash, Brooklyn
Rev. A. Clayton Powell, New York
Dr. William A. Sinclair, Philadelphia
Miss Lillian D. Wald, New York
Rev. G.R. Waller, Baltimore

Terms Expire 1914

Miss Jane Addams, Chicago
Dr. C.E. Bentley, Chicago
Rev. W.H. Brooks, New York
Dr. W.E.B. Du Bois, New York
Mrs. Florence Kelley, New York
Mrs. F.R. Keyser, New York
Dr. N.F. Mossell, Philadelphia
Miss Mary White Ovington, Brooklyn
Mr. Charles Edward Russell, New York
Mrs. M.C. Terrell, Washington, D.C.

Terms Expire 1915

Rev. John Haynes Holmes, New York
Mrs. M.D. Maclean, New York
Mr. John E. Milholland, New York
Mr. Walter E. Sachs, New York
Mr. Joel E. Spingarn, New York
Mr. Moorfield Storey, Boston
Mr. Oswald Garrison Villard, New York
Dr. O.M. Waller, Brooklyn
Mr. William English Walling, New York
Bishop Alexander Walters, New York


Hon. Wm. S. Bennet, New York
Miss Frances Blascoer, New York
Mr. W.L. Bulkley, New York
Prof. John Dewey, New York
Dr. John Lovejoy Elliott, New York
Mr. Hamilton Holt, New York
Miss Maud R. Ingersoll, New York
Mrs. Max Morgenthau, Jr., New York
Mr. James F. Morton, Jr., New York
Mr. Henry Moskowitz, New York
Miss Leonora O'Reilly, New York
Mr. Jacob H. Schiff, New York
Prof. E.R.A. Seligman, New York
Mrs. Anna Garlin Spencer, New York
Mrs. Henry Villard, New York
Dr. Stephen S. Wise, New York
Mr. D. Macon Webster, Brooklyn
Mr. Geo. E. Wibecan, Jr., Brooklyn
Hon. Thomas M. Osborne, Auburn, N.Y.
Miss Maria Baldwin, Boston, Mass
Mr. Francis J. Garrison, Boston, Mass
Mr. Archibald H. Grimke, Boston, Mass
Miss Adelene Moffat, Boston, Mass
Mr. Wm. Munroe Trotter, Boston, Mass
Dr. Horace Bumstead, Brookline, Mass
Miss Elizabeth C. Carter, New Bedford, Mass
Prest. Chas. T. Thwing, Cleveland, O.
Mr. Chas. W. Chesnutt, Cleveland, O.
Hon. Harry C. Smith, Cleveland, O.
Prest. H.C. King, Oberlin, O.
Prest. W.S. Scarborough, Wilberforce, O.
Mrs. Ida B. Wells Barnett, Chicago, Ill.
Miss S.P. Breckenridge, Chicago, Ill.
Mr. Clarence Darrow, Chicago, Ill.
Mr. Julius Rosenwald, Chicago, Ill.
Mrs. Celia Parker Woolley, Chicago, Ill.
Mr. F.L. McGhee, St. Paul, Minn.
Miss Frances Bartholomew, Philadelphia, Pa.
Miss Susan Wharton, Philadelphia, Pa.
Mr. R.R. Wright, Jr., Philadelphia, Pa.
Mr. W. Justin Carter, Harrisburg, Pa.
Rev. Harvey Johnson, Baltimore, Md.
Mrs. Carrie W. Clifford, Washington, D.C.
Mr. L.M. Hershaw, Washington, D.C.
Prof. Kelly Miller, Washington, D.C.
Justice W. P. Stafford, Washington, D.C.
Rev. J. Milton Waldron, Washington, D.C.
Prest. John Hope, Atlanta, Ga.
Mr. Leslie P. Hill, Manassas, Va.
Mr. William Pickens, Talladega, Ala.