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264 THE CRISIS ADVERTISER Agricultural and Mechanical College State summer school for colored teachers. Fourteenth annual session begins June 23, 1913, and continues five weeks. Board, lodging and fees for the session, $14.00. Limited accommodations. Send $1.00 in advance and reserve room. For catalog or further information address: STATE SUMMER SCHOOL Agricultural and Mechanical College GREENSBORO, N. C. Southern Business College BIRMINGHAM, ALA. Day and night school, teaching Shorthand, Typewriting, Business English, Business Arithmetic, Bookkeeping and preparing for Civil Service. A high-grade commercial school with competent instructors and healthy surroundings. The only Negro school of its kind in the world. For catalogue and further information address Southern Business College 4th avenue and 15th Street W.J. ECHOLS, Principal J.P. BOND, Secretary-Manager Send your boy South-the land of Opportunity. The Prairie View State Normal and Industrial College of Texas. E. L. Blackshear, Principal. W. C. Rollins, Treasurer. Largest State institution for colored youth in the United States. Excellent literary, scientific and industrial advantages. Expenses law-ideal climate-new buildings. For particulars address: H.J. MASON, Secretary Prairie View Waller County, Texas ST. MARY'S SCHOOL An Episcopal boarding and day school or girls, under the direction of the Sisters of St. Mary. Address: THE SISTER-IN-CHARGE 609 N. 43d St. W. Philadelphia, Pa. Fisk University NASHVILLE, TENN. Founded 1866 H. H. Wright, Dean Thorough Literary, Scientific, Educational and Social Science Courses. Pioneer in Negro music. Special study in Negro history. Ideal and sanitary buildings and grounds. Well-equipped Science building. Christian home life. High standards of independent manhood and womanhood. Atlanta University Is beautifully located in the City of Atlanta, Ga. The courses of study include High School, Normal School and College, with manual training and domestic science. Among the teachers are graduates of Yale, Harvard, Dartmouth, Smith and Wellesley. Forty-two years of successful work have been completed. Students come from all parts of the South. Graduates are almost universally successful. For further information address President EDWARD T. WARE ATLANTA, GA. Knoxville College Beautiful Situation. Healthful Location. The Best Moral and Spiritual Environment. A Splendid Intellectual Atmosphere. Noted for Honest and Thorough Work. Offers full courses in the following departments: College, Normal, High School, Grammar School and Industrial. Good water, steam heat, electric lights, good drainage. Expenses very reasonable. Opportunity for Self-help. Fall Term Begins September, 1913. For information address President R. W. McGRANAHAN KNOXVILLE, TENN. Virginia Union University RICHMOND, VA. A College Department, of high standards and modern curriculum. A Theological Department, with all subjects generally required in the best theological seminaries. An Academy, with manual training, giving a preparation for life or for college. The positive moral and religious aim of the school, its high standards of entrance and of class work, its fine new buildings and well-equipped laboratories and library prepare a faithful student for a life of wide usefulness. GEORGE RICE HOVEY, President Mention THE CRISIS. THE CRISIS ADVERTISER Atlanta University Studies of the Negro Problems 16 Monographs. Sold Separately. Address: A. G. DILL Atlanta University, Atlanta, Ga. FoR BiRtHdAyS A NARRATIVE of THE NEGRO By Mrs. Leila Amos Pendleton A comprehensive history of the Negro race from the earliest period to the present; told in pleasing narrative style; may be read and understood by children. Bound in cloth and illustrated. Address: Price $1.50 MRS. L. A. PENDLETON 1824 11th Street, N. W., Washington, D. C. FoR EVERY DAY HEAVEN AND HELL Swedenborg's greatest work on the life after death, 400 pages, only 15 cents postpaid. Pastor Landenberger, Windsor Place, St. Louis. Mo. A Race Between Two Straits A New Book on Labor Unions and Bad Politicians by Rev. W. B. Reed, Newport, R. I. The book shows that labor unions are the greatest menace to-day to American manhood and freedom. Read the book and know the truth. Price 25c. Sold by The Crisis. Agents wanted everywhere. Write REV W. B. REED Newport - - - - - - - - - - R. I. The Curse of Race Prejudice By James F. Morton, Jr., A.M. An aggressive exposure by an Anglo-Saxon champion of equal rights. Startling facts and crushing arguments. Fascinating reading. A necessity for clear understanding and up-to-date propaganda. Belongs in the library of every friend of social justice. Price 25 cents. Send orders to JAMES F. MORTON, JR. 244 West 143d Street New York, N.Y. $5 Brings Oliver Typewriter Send $5 for The Oliver Typewriter-the machine will come a-flying. The newest Model-No. 5-the regular $100 machine-with no extra charge for Printype. For the price of a good fountain pen you secure the World's Greatest Typewriter. You can pay the balance at the rate of 17 cents a day. This irresistible "$5 offer" is sweeping everything before it. The era of universal typewriting is coming. The triumph of the typewriter over primitive pen-and-ink has been brought about by the same machine that introduced visible writing. The OLIVER Typewriter The Standard Visible Writer This is the typewriter whose high efficiency has made it the choice of the greatest firms and corporations. It is the simplest of all standard typewrites, yet the swiftest and by far the most versatile. The moving parts work freely in a solid metal framework, making the machine so strong that the hardest usage has no effect upon it. No Extra Change for "Printype" Most people prefer to have the machine equipped to write in Printype. This beautiful type is obtainable only on The Oliver Typewriter. It is the greatest style improvement ever evolved for typewriters-the most easily read type in existence-the type which conforms to that in universal use on the world's printing presses! Win Success with the Oliver! The Oliver Typewriter aids success-seekers in a multitude of ways. The real-life stories of achievement that center around it would fill volumes. No matter what your work may be-in office, store, shop or home-The Oliver Typewriter will prove itself a great convenience and an actual money-maker. It stands for order and system and success. It is the visible evidence of the progressiveness of its owner. Young people with brains, ambition and Oliver Typewriters are succeeding everywhere. Can you afford to let $5 stand between you and success? Send for Special Circular and Art Catalog [[image]] Full details regarding the Oliver Easy-Purchase-Plan, beautiful catalog and a specimen letter written in Printype will be sent you on request. Let this $5 offer awaken you to your need of the Oliver Typewriter and the ease with which you may own it. Remember-$5 only and on comes The Oliver Typewriter! Sales department (206) The Oliver Typewriter Company 310 Broadway NEW YORK, N.Y. Mention THE CRISIS