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The Crisis Advertiser
Legal Directory
This is a ready reference of some of the best lawyers in the country.
If you are a lawyer and your name is not listed here you should write us at once.

Residence 2546 Michigan
Office Phone Bell Phone E-2161
Home 58 Main
C.H. Calloway
Attorney and Counselor-at-Law
Notary Public
117 W. 6th Street Kansas City, Mo.

Franklin W. Williams
Attorney and Counselor-at-Law
Notary Public
Real Estate Conveyancer
206 Parrish Street Durham, N. C.

Office L.D. Telephone 3297 Market
Residence L.D. Telephone, 5277-M Market
George A. Douglas
Rooms 613-614, Metropolitan Building
113 Market St., Cor. Washington, Newark, N. J.

Telephone 5574 Beekman Rooms 905 to 907
Wilford H. Smith
150 Nassau Street New York City
Upton Office--136 West 136th Street

General Practice Notary Public
William R. Morris
Attorney and Counselor-at-Law
1020 Metropolitan Life Building
Minneapolis, Minn.

Brown S. Smith
Attorney and Counselor-at-Lat
Offices: Suite 610, Sykes Block. 
Minneapolis, Minn.

George W. Mitchell
908 Walnut Street
Philadelphia, Pa.

Tel. 2026 Forth Hill Cable Address, Epben
Edgar P. Benjamin
Attorney and Counselor-at-Law
34 School Street Boston, Mass.

Telephone Connection
W. Ashbie Hawkins George W.F.McMechen
Hawkins & McMechen
21 East Saratoga Street Baltimore, Md.

Legal Directory--Continued
Telephones: Central 104W  Main 61
Harry E. Davis
Attorney-at-Law Notary Public
1607 Williamson Bldg. Cleveland, O.

Elijah J. Graham, Jr.
Attorney-at-Law and Notary Public
1026 Market Street Wheeling, W. Va.

Wigington & Bell
Karbach Block  Omaha, Neb.

H. Henry Harris
Cor. 8th and Princess Streets
Wilmington, N.C.

Telephone 4214 Greeley
Branic's Express
Packing and Shipping
Andrew J. Branic
459 Seventh Avenue New York City
Orders by mail or 'phone receive prompt attention
Trunks stored 25 cents per month
Official Expressman for the C. V. B. A. 

Telephone 5277 Morningside
Dr. Gertrude E. Curtis
Surgeon Dentist
188 West 135th Street, New York City

Telephone 4885 Morningside
Dr. D. W. Onley
Surgeon Dentist
S. W. Cor. 133d St. and Lenox Ave., New York
Office Hours: 9 to 12 a. m., 1 to 9 p.m.

[[image 1]]
A Race Enterprise
Manufacturing Badges, Banners and Supplies for all Fraternal and Church Societies. Catalogue upon request. Central Regalia CO.
Jos. L. Jones, Pres.
N. E. Cor. 8th and Plum Sts. 
Cincinnati, Oh

Mention the Crisis

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[[right-hand page]]
The Crisis Advertiser 307
The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
Offices: 26 Vesey Street, New York. Incorporated May 25, 1922

National President-Mr. Moorfield Storey, Boston, Mass.
Vice-Presidents- Rev. John Haynes Holmes, New York.
Mr. John E. Milholland, New York.
Bishop Alexander Walters, New York.
Rev. Garnet R. Waller, Baltimore, Md.
Miss Mary White Ovington, Brooklyn, N. Y. 

Chairman of the Board of Directors-Mr. Oswald Garrison Villard, New York.

Treasurer-Mr. Walter E. Sachs, New York.

Director of Publicity and Research- Dr. W. E. B. Du Bois, New York.

National Organizer-Dr. M. C. B. Mason, Cincinnnati.

Secretary-Miss May Childs Nerney, Brooklyn, N. Y.

The Fifth Annual Conference will be held in Philadelphia 
April 23, 24 and 25, 1913
Among the speakers invited are:
Senator Robert La Follette
John Mitchell, Jr.
Judge Mayer Sulzberger
President John Hope
Mrs. L. H. Hammond
Mayor Rudolph Blankenburg
Mrs. A. W. Hunton
Rabbi Joseph Krauskopf
Hon. Albert E. Pillsbury
Bishop J. H. Coppin
F. D. Weatherford
Mr. Oswald Garrison Villard
Dr. M. C. B. Mason
Dr. James H. Dillard
John E. Milholland
Moorfield Storey
Dr. W. E. B. Du Bois

Sessions at Witherspoon Hall, The friends' meeting house and Temple Keneseth Israel. The public is cordially invited.


Please find enclosed ____ dollars and enter my name as a member in Class ___ paying $____ a year, and send me THE CRISIS. 
Class 1. Donors, paying $100 to $500 per year. 
Class 2. Sustaining Members, paying $25 per year. 
Class 3. Contributing Members, paying $2 to $10 per year.
Class 4. Associate Members, paying $1 per year.

The subscription to THE CRISIS is $1 extra, except to members paying $2 or more, who signify their wish that $1 of their dues be considered a CRISIS subscription. All members in good standing have the privilege of attending and voting at the Annual Conference of the Association. 
Please make checks payable to National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, 26 Vesey Street, New York City.

Mention The Crisis

Transcription Notes:
Image 1: 10-pointed star. Letters TALFA in the center. Five points of the star have images.