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Points explained, viz.: Breath in Singing, Trying the Voice, the Soprano, the Mezzo-Soprano, the Contralto, Tenor Leggiero or High Tenor, the Baritone, the Bass, Parts of the Vocal Apparatus, the Mouth, the Tongue, Position When Practising, Position When Singing, How to Practice, Good Rules for Singing.

Comment from the world-renowned conductor of the Paulist Choir of Chicago, Ill., whose choir has just received the first prize awarded at the Singing Contest held in Paris on May 25, 1912:
"Dear Mr. Tinsley:
"I take great pleasure in commending your very useful and succinctly written book on 'Tone-Placing and Voice-Development.' Your own appreciation of the psychology of singing and the fundamental principles of the art you have cleverly reduced to a simple system. Cordially yours,
"Father WILLIAM J. FINN, C. S. P;;
Director Paulist Choristers of Chicago."
From "Musical Courier," N. Y.: "A very practical little book is 'Tone-Placing and Voice-Development,' by Pedro T. Tinsley. It contains some very excellent material and vocal exercises, and should be in the hands of all vocal students." 
From "Music News," Chicago, Ill.: "Accordingly his 'Practical Method of Singing' is a most concise and practical little manual, containing many valuable vocal exercises. It cannot fail to be helpful to all ambitious vocal students."
"Since I practised your exercises of 'Tone-Placing and Voice-Development' my voice is more resonant than it has been for years. It seems to me that I am getting a new voice." Prof. John T. Layton, Director Coleridge-Taylor Musical Society, 1722 10th St., N. W., Washington, D. C.
PRICE $1.00
Address the publisher: PEDRO T. TINSLEY
6448 Drexel Ave CHICAGO, ILL.

Free Overcoat
Free Outfit and 
$60.00 a WEEK
No matter what line of business you are in-what kind of job you hold-what other line you are handling-or how much money you are making you simply can't afford to pass up this amazingly sensational and wonderfully liberal offer. We put you in business on our capital-make you a swell suit and overcoat FREE-make it so easy for you to succeed that you simply can't help earning $60 a week and more.
Outfits Cost Us $76,000
Listen! This is the most gorgeously stupendous Agent's Outfit ever conceived and executed by the skill of man! Cost us $76,000-yet it costs you only 1 cent for a postal to get one. Our famous Book of Gold, Masterpiece Edition shows 96 fashions, 220 samples-all different-all distinctive. Complete outfit-biggest and most magnificent ever produced-everything you need FREE and beside you get 
Your Swell Suit and Overcoat Free
Made to your own measure from style and fabric selected by you. Makes you the swellest dressed man in town. Everybody wants up-to-date clothes like yours, and orders pour in to you. We prepay all express charges. You take no risk. $5,000 guarantee bond behind every garment-money back if not perfectly satisfactory. No money-no experience necessary. Snappy selling helps and valuable presents for your customers-everything FREE and sent at once. Write today-a postal will do.
Great Central Tailoring Co. Dept. 756 Chicago, Ill.
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[[column 2]]
Popular selections at wholesale. To introduce our proposition we will send
Three Big Hits, Postpaid, for 10c.
36 W. 118th St., New York

In a light, pleasant and profitable work. We want a good colored person (male or female) in every colored community to take orders for our high-grade calling cards. We are furnishing these cards at 50c per 100 or 25c for 50 cards with name and address. We allow our agents a liberal commission on all orders they send in Your are sure to make a success of this work for calling cards are in great demand everywhere Outfit furnished free. Exclusive territory given. Write now for terms


$2,000 in Five Weeks!
[[picture of woman in tub]]
Made by one Robinson salesman. You-yourself-can positively make $60 and expenses every week. I want men like you, hustling, energetic, ambitious fellows, anxious to make money, who are willing to work with me. Not for me, but with me. I want you to advertise, sell and appoint local agents for the biggest, most sensational seller in 50 years-the ROBINSON FOLDING BATH TUB. Here's an absolutely new invention that has taken the entire country by storm. Nothing else like it. Gives every home a modern up-to-date bathroom in any part of the house. No plumbing, no waterworks needed. Folds in small roll, handy as an umbrella. Self-emptying and positively unleakable. Absolutely guaranteed for 5 years. Hustlers-east, north, west, south-coining money. Orders, orders, everywhere. Badly wanted, eagerly bought, for remember, fully 70% of homes have no bathrooms. Immense profits for you. Two sales a day means $300 a month. Here's proof-real proof. Will Gunckel, Ohio, got $240 worth of orders first week. A. Bernider, Kansas, made $30 in four hours. Hamlinton, of Wyo., made $60 first two days. Hundreds like that. Pleasant, permanent, fascinating work. 
This is not idle talk. Make me prove it. Write a postcard. Let me write you a long letter. Then decide. No experience needed, no capital. Your credit is good if you mean business. But you must be ambitious, you must want to make money. That's all. Write a postcard now. I want to pay you sixty dollars every week.
111 Vance Street  Toledo, Ohio
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Vol. 6--No. 4   AUGUST, 1913   Whole No. 34


FOLLOWING close upon Pennsylvania's addition $75,000 to its original appropriation of $25,000 for an emancipation exposition, Illinois passed a bill granting $25,000 for a similar purpose. This makes the fourth Northern State- New Jersey and New York being the other two- to make an effort to mark in a fitting manner the fiftieth year since the emancipation of slavery, not in the respective commonwealths, for it is more that half a century since slavery expired in any of the States mentioned, but in the United States. In Arkansas and other Southern States efforts are being made by colored people to secure from their legislatures recognition of the emancipation, and a number of Chicago Negroes are taking the initiative in a renewed effort to secure from Congress an appropriation for a national celebration which will make this or next year an epoch in the history of the Negro.
An interesting feature of the Illinois bill is that, in contrast to the New York commission, which is composed entirely of colored men, the Illinois commission is to have a white majority of the nine members, for the governor is to be the chairman and two members are to be drawn from each house of the legislature. In addition to these, it is expected that Governor Dunne will add an additional white person, bringing the total to six, as against three colored.
In New York, where the governor and the legislature have expressed their confidence in the Negro race by placing the work of the commission entirely in the hands of colored men, the first to attack the commission and strive assiduously prevent it from accomplishing its task is a Negro newspaper scribbler who failed to secure a place on the commission in order to create discord within. Happily, however, harmony prevails in the body. As to the general scope of the exposition there is no difference of opinion, an the New York plan is typical of the arrangements in other States.
The commission seeks to make this exposition distinctly and impressively educational. the will be a little as possible of the country-fair type of exposition. The commission rather stressed the conferences and congresses on the religious, economic and the important aspects of the problem of the advance of the race. In this way the commission hopes to do a work that will have a more lasting effect upon the American public.
A special feature of the exposition will be the series of pageants illustrating historically the progress of the Negro from the remotest times; his migration to the New World and so on down to and since his emancipation from slavery. In addition to this, special departments of art, literature, inventions, etc., will be placed in charge of competent persons well informed in the respective branches. The commission is to prepare a roll of honor of 200 men, selected by their fellows, as being really representative of the race. The exposition will cover the last ten days