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of October, and three of these will be called, respectively, Governor's Day, Douglass Day and Lincoln Day.
   The exhibit will comprise thirteen divisions. (1) Africa, showing arts and crafts, distribution of Negroes on the continent, historical map. (2) Distribution of Negro blood throughout the world; growth of the race in America. (3) Health and physique. (4) Occupations, illustrated with moving pictures. (5) Science and inventions. (6) Education. (7) Religion. (8) Civics. (9) Work of women. (10) Painting and sculpture. (11) Literature. (12) Architecture. This exhibit is to be housed in a small central temple designed by a colored architect, which will also contain pieces of sculpture by Negroes, a library of Negro newspapers and books, together with painting and decorations by Negroes. (13) Music, including two public concerts.
   The New York commission may not be able to do all of this with the $25,000 at its disposal, but with the sympathetic cooperation of white and especially of colored people, the exposition can be made a tremendous influence for good understanding and mutual respect between races. It is especially important that the New York exposition should be as comprehensive as possible in its scope, for, with the position of New York City as a center of thought not only for the United States, but for the whole world, there can be no telling the esteem for the Negro which will emanate from an exposition of Negro history and progress successfully conducted by Negroes. The work of the New York commission calls for the support and encouragement of all Negroes who have at heart the interests of their race and especially of those who reside in the city and State of New York.
   The New Jersey commission will hold its exposition at Atlantic City in September. The place and time are well chosen, for the famous summer resort will then contain its densest population. Owing to the failure of the commission to use before a stipulated time $7,500 of the first half of the total appropriation of $20,000, this money has reverted to the State treasury. The slowness of the commission in spending money was due to their desire to put the appropriation to the best possible use, and it is felt that it was a great injustice to take away, on a mere technicality in the law, so large an amount of the small appropriation. It will be recalled that the then Governor Wilson, in signing the bill for the exposition, said he stood ready to sign a bill for a larger appropriation, but the legislature has failed to act accordingly. A voluntary subscription list has been started and had received the support of a large number of public-spirited citizens, white and black. The New Jersey celebration has thus become a popular movement and its success ought thereby to be assured.
   The Pennsylvania exposition will be held in Philadelphia  during the whole month of September. Exhibits ought to arrive in Philadelphia not later than August 15, and communications referring thereto should be addressed to 
R. R. Wright, Jr., director of exhibits, 1352 Lombard Street, Philadelphia. 
   In New York W. E. Burghardt Du Bois is chairman of the committee on exhibits, and in New Jersey information as to this department may be obtained from the Rev. Solomon Porter Hood, American Mechanics' Building, Trenton.
¶ The Chicago Y. M. C. A. has been dedicated. Besides its other attractions, the building offers lodging accommodations to 200 young men. It was erected at a cost of $195,000, of which sum $20,000 was contributed by Negroes of Chicago.
¶ The colored Y. M. C. A. of Los Angeles has completed the purchase of a $15,000 lot for its proposed $100,000 building. In Cincinnati the colored people have raised $8,000 toward a Y. M. C. A. structure. 
¶ The cornerstone of the new Y. M. C. A. has been laid in Philadelphia. Tulsa, Okla., hopes soon to have a colored 
Y. M. C. A.
¶ The City of Nashville is to contribute $5,000 if the Negroes will give $1,000 for the erection of a library for colored people. 
¶ The Odd Fellows of New Haven, Conn., have erected a $40,000 building.
¶ White and colored people in Charlotte, N. C., are making efforts to establish a colored reform school. Steps are being taken in Roanoke, Va., to found a home for wayward colored girls.
¶ In Cincinnati colored men have formed an organization to promote the economic and social betterment of the race, and in*


Columbus a Friendly Fellowship Association of America, with like objects, has been formed.
¶ At Lincolnton, N. C., a civic league for the improvement of health conditions among Negroes has been formed.
¶ The Harlem Mothers' Club of New York has become a member of the E. S. F. W. C. The Mothers' Club is an auxiliary of the Hope Day Nursery.
¶ The Urban League calls attention to the fact that Harlem's large population of Negroes is without a playground for the children. Writing in the [i] Globe [/i],
"Paleface" supports the league's contention for a playground:
    "A few weeks ago I saw a colored boy playing in West 135th street (it was on his eighth birthday). Playing on the road,'there being no playground.' He was accidentally knocked down and run over by an automobile, picked up, apparently lifeless, and rushed to the Harlem Hospital. 
    "Last evening, passing the same locality, I saw another boy skating on the road with the same boyish carelessness. I called him over and told him I had seen a boy killed, playing on the road near the same spot. He replied: 'Killed! Why, he ain't killed, mister, that's him over there on the sidewalk, him with the white waist on, but he can't skate half as fast as he could before.'
    "His answer to my request that he be careful was: 'I want to skate and I've got to skate somewhere.' In other words- being a natural boy- 'I must play- if there are no playgrounds, then "the roads for mine."'"
¶ In Kalamazoo the Independent Lincoln Club has brought a colored doctor and lawyer to the city and has secured the increasing respect of the white people by its worthy civic activities.
¶ In Virginia an investigation into health conditions among Negroes is arousing public sentiment in favor of their betterment.
¶ H. St. John Boldt, a Princeton student, of Southern ancestry, but residing in New York, was compelled by respectable white people of Cranbury, N. J., to apologize for an insult offered to John Hall and Harry Roberts, both colored. Boldt had threatened these men with a revolver on their demanding an apology for the insult.
¶ Colored men of Nashville are planning to found, on a 5,000-acre estate, a model city in which preachers are to be chosen by popular election and to receive the same salary as policemen, no rivalry among denominations is to be permitted and no liquor is to be sold or given away.
¶ The Great Northern, Northern Pacific and Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul dining-car waiters are organizing a building and loan association in Seattle and Tacoma. Each waiter is required to buy $10 worth of shares every month until they have raised a capital of $250,000. Over 400 waiters are interested in this project.
¶ The city council of Boston has voted $20,000 for a suitable memorial to Wendell Phillips.
¶ The colored people of Cleveland are trying in vain to get the mayor to protect colored residence districts from organized vice.
¶ Nashville colored men are organizing an athletic association.
¶ A young colored men's club has been started in Keokuk, Ia.; another organized in Oklahoma City; and in Dayton, O., a home for working girls and a day nursery are planned.
¶ The Hale Infirmary, of Montgomery, Ala., is being supported by colored people, who are raising a special fund for current expenses.
¶ The State Federation of Colored Women's Clubs of South Carolina met at Florence, June 25 and 27. Delegates were present from all clubs in the State and an interesting program in many details was carried out. Over $1,600 was raised during the year for charitable purposes. Subscriptions to various papers and magazines for shut-in children and older people were made, and donations to several charities given. The lengthening of rural-school terms and the matter of arousing patrons to their support will be undertaken by field workers of the federation this year. The following executive officials were elected: President, Mrs. Marion B. Wilkinson, Orangeburg; first vice-president, Mrs. J. R. Levy, Florence; corresponding secretary, Mrs. D. L. Frazier, Spartanburg. The federation will meet next June at Sumter.

Transcription Notes:
*continued on next page, ALONG THE COLOR LINE