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168            THE CRISIS 
and sent to jail on a second trial without the Southern juror. 

¶ An Ohio court has prohibited the Negro Elks from using any title and insignia suggesting similarity to the white order.
¶ A New York jury awarded $5,000 damages to the widow of Waverly Carter, in a civil action against a man named Plitt for causing the murder of her husband. Plitt was a newspaper agent of Becker, who is now in Sing Sing for the murder of a gambler. Plitt was himself indicted for the murder of the Negro, who was killed in a raid by Becker's strong-arm squad on a Negro gambling hall, and it is said but for the testimony of a Negro clergyman who did not like gambling, Plitt would have been convicted. As it is he has no money to pay the damages awarded in the civil action. 

¶ At Columbus, O., Judge Evans awarded $50 to Graham Deuwell, a colored lawyer, in a discrimination suit against a confectioner. 

¶ A Chicago court awarded $2,500 damages to a white woman who sued Jack Johnson for having been struck accidentally in the face when a punching bag which he had been using in a theatrical exhibition was torn from its fastenings and started to punch the audience. Johnson paid the damages assessed and set out for Europe in the hope of making some more money. The United States government failed in its attempt to prevent him from leaving this country, although he declared that he intended to return to face the appeal pending against his conviction under the law for the protection of so-called white slaves. 


A SEGREGATION ordinance has been passed in Atlanta. 

¶ Governor Dunn vetoed amendment to the Illinois civil-rights law prohibiting discrimination against Negroes in cemeteries. The governor took this action because the Attorney-General considered the amendment unconstitutional. 

¶ By order of the park commissioner in St. Louis "no Negroes will be allowed in the Fair Ground Park swimming pool." In this city the United Welfare Association is raising funds to secure the enactment of a segregation law. 

¶ J. B. Aswell, one of the gentlemen from Louisiana in the lower house of Congress, introduced a bill for segregation in civil service. He asserts that segregation in civil service. He asserts that segregation "is fair to both races, and pleasing to the right-thinking Negro." Aswell's bill stipulates that "no white clerk or employee shall be subject to the authority of a Negro," and in a subsequent section he adds the joker: "There shall be no discrimination in favor of or against employees of equal efficiency on account of race or color." The gentleman did not notice it perhaps, but his language makes him at first sight appear as saying that efficiency is determined by race and color and that is perhaps what he really meant to say. At a meeting of the Louisiana State Association, addressed by the above-mentioned representative, Joseph Colton, vice-president of the association, said he was of the opinion "that the Negro needs soap more than education," and that while he had never seen any trouble from Negro men in the printing office, he understood that the Negro women in some of the offices were offensive. To Aswell, on the other hand, "the sight of a Negro man working side by side with white women is intolerable." 

¶ A gentleman from Georgia by the name of Howard introduced a "Jim Crow" bill. Section five of this proposed legislation states that "the meaning of the words white and colored is confined to the races known as Caucasian and Ethiopian, respectively." Howard does not state who is to determine weather an individual shall be known as Caucasian or Ethiopian, so we may assume that about one-half of the colored population of Washington will have the right to sit wherever they please, just as members of races which are neither Caucasian nor Ethiopian, and if this half can sit where they want to then the other half ought to have no difficulty in getting out of the "Jim Crow" section. 

¶ In Grand Rapids, Mich., a colored clergyman went into a store where he could not purchase a pair of shoes. 

¶ In Windsor, Ont., a colored man was appointed to a position in the postoffice over the protest of the white employees. The colored man is getting along all right.

¶ Three colored man were told by a lunchroom keeper in Toronto: "We don't serve

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Niggers here." They have sought and probably will obtain legal redress through the license commissioners. Commenting on this case the Montreal Gazette says: "RAce hatred is as strong in some centers in this free dominion as it is in the free South of the United States and with less cause."

¶ The clergy of Middle boro, Mass., refused to marry a white man to a woman of Caucasian, Indian and Negro ancestry. The couple were married by the city clerk of Brockton. A New York magistrate refused to perform the civil-marriage ceremony between a white woman and a colored man whose romance started in a Virginia town about seven years ago. The official's excuse was that he did not believe that magistrates ought to perform the marriage ceremony.

¶ The Portuguese of Cape Cod are protesting against the effort of the town of Wareham, Mass., to segregate their children in schools. Theophilos F. Goncalves, who is leading the Cape Verde Islanders in their appeal to the Portuguese government, issued the following statement to the press:

"We want to become Americans. We want our children to understand the English language and gain some knowledge of American ideas. We are peace loving and have no desire to fight for what we think our rights, but when we see that discrimination is being made against our children in the public schools we must show that we are not asleep and are ready to stand for our rights as any Americans should do."

¶ "In Oklahoma," says a Negro clergyman, "the Indian, Chinaman and 'dago' all have access, and the bar is put up against the Negro. In Ardmore I went into a store owned by a Chinese to purchase a cigar. The proprietor while getting me the cigar ordered me to pull off my hat. I wanted to know what for, and he replied: 'Pull off 'ee hat.' I said: "Pull off nothing,' and walked out with the cigar. I afterward learned that the place was kept for white people, and that whenever a Negro went in he had to pull off his hat." 

¶ The Alpha Delta Phi, a college fraternity, has annulled the charter of its Manhattan chapter because of the presence of "too many Jews at the College of the City of New York."

¶ "Neither Hebrews nor consumptives received" is the sort of printed announcement from summer hotels which the Levy law now makes a crime in New York State. Hotel proprietors have not, as a rule, considered it necessary to announce to prospective patrons, "No Negros admitted." But in Poughkeepsie lunch-room proprietors have been in the habit of putting up the sign: "No Negros allowed." A colored man wrote to a local paper urging the people not to adopt Southern practices and customs in a city which had no cause for antipathy to the Negro. Much of the feeling in Poughkeepsie is introduced by Southern students at Vassar College and the Eastman Business School. At this latter institution, some years ago, a member of a leading family of Porto Rico was rejected because of his Negro blood. A boardinghouse spinster defends conditions in Poughkeepsie in the following words:
"Southern students come North for an education, it is true, but they also put a pile of money into the coffers of Poughkeepsie housewives and merchants. Look around and ask many of the women of this town how they could get along without the Eastman students. Those places wherein are hung signs, 'No colored trade wanted,' need not worry, for they will be championed all the more by the 'demoralized Southerners.'"
¶ The people of San Francisco have a new suburb called Forest Hill. It is especially desirable because, as the promoters say:
"In Forest Hill no property will be sold to Africans or Orientals, and every man who builds a house must build one that is a credit to the property. Forest Hill is only for those people who will build at least $4,000 houses. When a man purchases a home site in Forest Hill he can feel assured that his investment, his home and his family are protected from unsightly buildings and undesirable neighbors."

LYNCHINGS, in nearly all cases by burning and torture, have occurred as follows:
At Anadarko, Okla., one Negro for the murder of a white girl. At Beaumont, Tex., one of three Negroes who had been charges with attacking a party of white men; the victim was at liberty under bond