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[[left-hand page]]
The Crisis Advertiser
Special Introductory Offer of High-Class Tailored-to-Order
$20.00 Suits at $12.68

We want fifty thousand new customers. To help advertise and introduce our fine tailored-to-order clothing, we will let you order at our lowest wholesale prices-prices that save you one-third to one-half. They are the same prices the store-keepers must pay. In ordering of us during this great introductory offer, you save the retailer's profit entirely. This offer means, to you, the opportunity of ordering America's finest tailored-to-your order clothes at bargain prices such as have never before been heard of by the retail buyer. Instead of paying your tailor $20.00 for your made-to-order Suits, you buy them not at $12.68 and if you want the finest grades, we have them at $17.00 to $24.00 instead of $28.00 to $40.00.

We Show You How to Measure Perfectly
This is the only made-to-order clothing book that shows you just how a first-class tailor measures-it is the only book that teaches you, in a few minutes, how to measure yourself or anyone as perfectly as any tailor can do it-and this book is issued by the only tailoring house which is big enough and liberal enough to say to you this: "By our simple, quick method it is next to impossible for you to make a mistake-but even if you should make a mistake in measuring-we and not you stand the loss. We even pay the express charges both ways.

Would You Accept a Swell Suit Free Just to Advertise?

Sixty Handsome Novelty and Plain Styles

When sending our catalog and the other great offers, we will also tell you about our great Free Suit Offer-making it possible for you to get all your clothing absolutely Free of any cost whatever. This means exactly what it says-all your own clothes for nothing. Now if you want this fine, big Tailor Book, order blanks, instructions, tapeline and everything all free-just send us your name. But write us at once as this offer is good for a limited time only. Take a postal and your pen and simply say: Send Free Sample Book, Wholesale Price List, Special Suit Offer and the full proof of what your advertisement says. Address:
The Chicago Tailors Association, Dept. 632, Van Buren Street, Chicago

Mention The Crisis

[[image 1]]
[[/left-hand page]]

[[right-hand page]]
Opportunity's Call
Real estate is recognized the world over as the rock-ribbed foundation of every fortune, and New York City holds the unchallenged record of being the most fertile field for profit making that civilization has ever seen.

Waltonia is one of New York's nearest suburbs, beautifully situated amid charming surroundings, high, dry, and healthy, and as it is the only one inviting colored residents (of whom there are over 200,000 scattered throughout the city and vicinity), it is undoubtedly destined to become the greatest and most substantial colored colony in America.

For the first time in history, therefore, colored citizens of other sections are given a chance to participate in the profits of the world's greatest realty market, and eager purchasers all over the country are answering the call of opportunity by securing magnificent Waltonia lots on easy monthly payments, without interest or taxes.

It is a chance of a lifetime, as a small investment now may mean future independence, and every colored man and woman who can spare $5 cash and $5 per month should write to-day to 

Owners and Developers
27 William Street New York

Mention The Crisis
[[/right-hand page]]

Transcription Notes:
Image 1: Cluster of 4 men in suits, 3 small, 1 larger. All are wearing hats and ties.