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Stougton Nov 26 1950

Dear Doris
Did the terrible Hurrycane reach you? it blew & rained here all day and night, a terrible gale ripped the eastern coast of New England. we never slept it raged so. they say it extended down to the coast of Virginia. my front door was so swelled I could hardly open it to get my paper this morning. the paper said over 90 were killed: it did seem good to see the sun this noon. the wind blew so I did not dare make a fire in the little stove but let the oil heat go on & then we opened the cellar door once or twice to see if the oil heat hadn't exploded in so much wind. I hope my little bundle that was sent Friday wasn't blown away. the card must have reached you by this time. your box sits in the front hall where it was placed. my money is around $40. & Hazel is to pay the rent this week end. I was glad so many leaves blew away in our gale, so now my yard is quite free of the most of them that were cluttering up my yard. I have carried down one of my pots of Easter lillies the one that blossomed last to rest throug [[through]]the winter. Mrs Burk gave me a small flower pot it will take the place of it in the bay window my lobster cactus is growing fine since you repotted it & it will do well by xmas I know. all the plants are looking very healthy but not any more than a few are