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Sid may go on a geological expedition this week down Chesapeake Bay way, there is a congress of geologists here and Julia asked us both to go. They will stay one night down at Solomon's Island and make trips about the surrounding country. I have decided it would be a bit too much for me with my merely layman's knowledge of geological lore, but Sid is really interested and thinks he will be one of the party. There are some well known scientists &[[?]] be there and I fancy he would like to meet them & hear what they have to say.    I'm going to stay home with Doris, - it sounds like a chilly trip along the beaches at this season anyhow.

We had a card from cousin Fred, who has been on a little trip to Atlantic City. We must hunt him up soon. Helen & Geoff were sitting down stairs when we were over the other night & a neighbor had taken him to a barbershop nearby for a hairdo. Helen said he was very tired when he got back but I think he is recovering. They asked us to come over Thanksgiving, but we have already asked Mrs Colend & Hawkes. We promised to go over the following Sunday anyhow.

Sid has been hunting up his winter overcoat. Don't you forget to wear your blue flannel dressing gown these cool days. Get all the good you can out of it.

This morning as I was getting breakfast a robin flew up in the tree by the window. I think the red dogwood berries brought him there.

Helen told me that Amy's girl Nabilee is going to have a baby next spring and Amy is so pleased about it. She loves little babies & a grandchild would be all she could ask for 