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if she felt that she could afford it since he lost his job with the symphony consert they feel poor.

My plants are doing fine they never looked better my bay window is full & they are blooming, the woman in West Bridgewater always sends me a plant when Mrs. Barry goes over there to a card party she is rich has a nice home.

We hear the news that Margret Snowing is married to that Mr. Frankin who boarder over here with her to Mr. Benous. She got mad at her daughter & we hear went away & he followed her up & they were married. it may not be true.  guess her other husband was glad to get away from her.  as she was always calling on for money.  they say she was good to his children thats why he married her.  the first wife I always heard was a lovely woman.

I will interview Harland Bruces wife when she comes up to pay the rent the 15th of this month & see if I can get any reason out of her about what they owe us.  I never see them otherwise.

The Bride sisters have put a very long garage to the back of their little building so they can drive their car into it, there isn't much space left around their place now.  The hospital looks funny the their outside entrance (a fire escape)they call it.  Maude & the rest of the patients are doing fine.  we hear they are very happy.  so different than when the other ones carried on the business.  plenty to eat & much cared for.  well guess I have told all there is now will go & unlock the door to let Mrs Barry in as its most time meeting was out. Ma