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see his dahlias + chrysanthemums, -he is one of those ideal Sid
drives with, and he picked some dahlias for me as big as
sunflowers. Each flower took a vase by itself, so I gave
a few to the English + Siahh girls, and they were much
pleased. The English girl said today is her birthday and
she would think of it as a birthday flower offering.

Every nice mild day means a lot to us, as our furnace
isn't fixed yet. Sid went around to the plumber to find out
about it yesterday, - they had sent off to one dealer to get the
missing part but after a week or so, he wrote that he wouldn't
supply it, so now they are sending us another. I hope it
comes soon as the season is getting on + we can expect
cold days now. Last year we didn't  fire it up till the 4th or 7th of november, tho. I do hope we get a
good mild winter again.

Are your plants doing all right inside? I hope the
cactus will bud full for you and your 2nd Easter
lily bloom again. After this 1st one that bloomed gets
old and begins to die back, you can put the pot down
cellar to rest for another spring.

I am going to send you a piece of goods for you
to make a house dress of -- there is almost 6 yds of it,
so you will have a little left for aprons or anything 
else. I will also enclose a linen suit of Sid's that 
needs patching up. Maybe I will get some [[dormer?]] flannel
too for you to make some pants for Doris' pajama suit.
His are beginning to be thin, tho the top is all right.

I hope you are sitting out on the porch this fine
sunny afternoon -