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Stoughton Aug 27th 1950

Dear Doris we are having very pleasant weather cool nights & mornings. I have just received a large and very pretty bouquet of flowers from the Universalist church & a note telling me that I wasn't forgotten by them in their thoughts and prayers offered there. We had a telephone call early this morning from Bertha Thompson saying that Mr Williams was just breathing. they are living in her apartment up in the house two flights, Caretas husbands folks, he fell down stairs, being blind, when the door was left open to let in air by his wife, and has been just failing ever since we had them here twice for sympathy once  at my birthday party. Careta we think, has seen lots of trouble since we knew her hope now when these two old people get through life things will be different. we expect Dolores to come Wednesday to stay here to sleep nights if nothing more. you may get home to see her before she goes back.  I hope for her sake she will sleep in the north chamber bed. we both pity her & will try our best to make her stay while here pleasant. She sent us a pot of plants we got them yesterday & asked Mrs Barry how to reach her from Boston. She must have forgotten as she came by car with you folks I believe. That little apple tree I have watered every day it shows something of life it bore just a few apples the squirrels have eaten most of them, all they could reach, without going clear to the end of the limb. Hazel Drake brought a bag of Claps favorite pears Saturday. I hope some of them will last until you get home but they are growing ripe very fast. Pete McGarvey says those Drake girls watch the old house & Barn like Halks, so guess Sidneys car will be safe there while they are home. I feel you are having a wonderful vacation & hope you wont get too tired out. Mrs Barry has been over to call on the Brides girls. she says they look very nice & snug & they enjoy their change of houses its too far for me to walk if I could go across it would not be so far the hedge prevents me. Well this is all I can think of now will say [[a R---i-?]] Ma

Transcription Notes:
I can't make out the second to last word.