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The National Training School
Durham, N.C. Open to students of Either Sex.

It is more than a mere school. It is a community at service and uplift. Its influence is destined to be felt in all sections of the country in improved Negro community life wherever our trained workers locate. The following departments are already in successful operation: Teacher Training, Industrial, Literary, Academic and Collegiate, Commercial, Missionary, Theological, Household Economics and Departments of Music.

In equipment and teaching, it is not surpassed by any School for the Education of Negro Youth in the South. 
The next term opened Monday, October 1, 1917. For catalog d and detailed information address 
//Bold// President, (all caps) James E Shepard, Durham North Carolina

The Agricultural and Technical College

Twenty-fourth Annual Session. Fall term began Sept. 1, '17. Three Stong Departments: Agricultural, Mechanical, and Academic. 
Short Practical Courses of Three Months: Maintained by the Governments of North Carolina and of the United States.

Special training for teachers of vocational subjects. 
Board, Lodging, and Tuition, $9.00 per Calendar Month. For catalog and Further Information, address 
President Dudley A. & T. College, Greensboro, N.C. 

The Cheney Training School For Teachers
Chenyey, Penna. 

For reasonably mature students who have a good secondary school preparation, and who desire to become teachers, courses are are offered during the regular term in academic work, domestic science, domestic art, physical training, elementary school methods, wood and metalworking, and agriculture. Board and laundry privileges for the year $100, Fall term began Wednesday, September 19, 1917.
The Summer School for Teachers, from July 5 to August 2 inclusive, will this year offer primary methods, English mathematics, history, physical training, and gardening, Dormitory space is limited and applications should be made early. Cost for the four weeks $15.00.
For further information write to Leslie Pickney Hill, Principal.

Mention Tug Crisis 

Atlanta University
is beautifully located in the City of Atlanta, Ga, The courses of study include HIgh School, Normal School, and College, with manual training and domestic science, Among the teachers are graduates of Yale, Harvard, Dartmouth, and Wellesley. Forty-Eight years of successful work have been completed. Students come from all parts of the South. Graduates are almost universally successful, For further information address President Edward T. Ware Atlanta, GA. 

Morehouse College 
(Formerly Atlanta Baptist College)
Atlanta, GA.
College, Academy, Divinity School An institution famous within recent years for its emphasis on all sides of manly development the only institution in the far South devoted solely to the education of Negro young men.
Graduates are given a high ranking by the greatest northern universities. Debating, Y.M.C.A. athletics; all live features. For all information address
John Hope, President

Knoxville College
Beautiful Situation. Healthful Location. The Best Moral and Spiritual Environment, A Splendid Intelectual Atmosphere. Noted for Honest and Thorough Work. 
Offers full courses in the following departments: College, Normal, High School, Grammar School, and Industrial,
good water, steam heat, electric lights, good Fall Term Began September 19, 1917. For information address
President R. W. Mc Granahan Knoxville, Tenn.
Wiley University Marshall, Texas
Recognized as a college of the First Class by Texas and Louisiana State Boards of Education. Harvard, Yale, and Columbia represented on its faculty; students gathered from ten different states. 
the strongest music department in the West
M.W.Dogan, President 

Straight College New Orleans, La
Situated on the main thoroughfare of the South. Through training in High School, Teachers' course and college, with special work in music and manual training.
Teachers represent some of the best universities and music conversations in the country.
For the information, address 
J.T Cater, Registrar

Fisk University
Nashville, Tenn.
Founded 1866
Through Literary, Scientific, Educational, Musical, and Social Science Courses. Pioneer in Negro music. Special study in Negro life. Ideal and sanitary buildings and grounds. Well Equipped Science building. Christian home life. High standard of independent manhood and womanhood, Forlitureature, etc, write Fayette Avery McKenzie, President.

1870 Clark University 1917
South Atlanta Georgia
Most beautiful campus of 70 acres, commodious buildings with modern conveniences. High Scholarship Talented Faculty Well-equipped library and laboratories Literary societies Athletics Co-educational Expenses very low. $100 per year of eight-month will pay tuition, board, room, etc. Comfortable dormitories with steam heat and gas light.
Courses of Study
Domestic Science for girls, cooking sewing, dressmaking, and embroidery. Pre-Academy 7th and 8th grades. Academy Four years with diploma. Pre-Medical Two years above academy. College four years leading to A. B. degree. NOrmal Five years above grades with diploma. First semester opened October 3, 1917. Harry Andrews King, President. 

Morris Brown University
Atlanta, Ga.
The largest institution of learning in the South owned and controlled by Negroes. Faculty of specialists trained in some of the best universities in the North and in the South.
 Noted for high standard of scholarship; industrial emphasis and positive Christian influence. Well-equipped dormitories; sane athletics under faculty supervision. Expenses reasonable. Location central and healthful. Departments: Theology, College, Preparatory, Normal, Commercial, musical, domestic Science, Nurse Training, Sewing, Printing, and tailoring. First semester began September 27, 1917. For further information address W.A Fountain, President Bishop J.S. Flipper, Charmian Trustee Board.

St. Mary's School
An Episcopal boarding school for girls, under the direction of the Sisters of St. Mary
Address: The Sister-in-charge
609 N 43rd st W Philadelphia, Pa

Menton The Crisis