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150 THE CRISIS ADVERTISER Prof. Kelly Miller, Dean Howard University. [[image]] A GREAT LEADER $200 per month being made, working full time. $10 per day being made with spare time, selling Kelly Miller's new "Progress of the Colored People." Teachers, ministers, students, widows, wives with spare time, anyone can make $1.00 per hour. IT IS THE BIGGEST SELLER YOU EVER SAW. Everybody buys. Kelly Miller's books are in great demand. You should not miss having this book yourself. We mail it for $1.95, postage at our expense. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED, or money promptly refunded. It is easy to sell. Write quick for agents' proposition, a big circular and other people's opinions FREE. Act to-day; state whether you wish agents' terms. AUSTIN JENKINS CO. 523 Ninth Street Washington, D.C. Books of Distinction By Negro Authors THE BOOKS listed below have met with instant recognition at the hands of the foremost literary critics of the day. THE MECHANICAL MAKEUP follows the same high standards of perfection that have associated 69 Cornhill with the best traditions of American book making. THEY ARE DECIDEDLY worth while books which you may well be proud to own. Fifty Years and Other Poems, by James Weldon Johnson. Price, ...................... $1.25 From the Heart of a Folk, by Waverley Turner Carmichael Price, ...................... 1.00 The Message of the Trees, by Maud Cuney Hare (a beautiful gift book). Price, ...... 2.00 The Heart of a Woman, by Georgia Douglas Johnson. Price, ...................... 1.25 Postage Extra. The Cornhill Company, Publishers 69 Cornhill, Boston Or through The Crisis Just from the Press "SOLVING THE PROBLEM" Lectures of the famous Negro Orator, the late Rev. Dr. M. C. B. Mason, author of the "Gospel Message," etc. The eight lectures in this volume include "Africa in America and Africa Beyond the Seas." with its wonderful peroration or apostrophe to Africa which is almost without an equal in the English language. "NAPOLEON AT WATERLOO" "HEREDITY OR SOUR GRAPES" "THE SECOND EMANCIPATION" Mr. Alfred Flude, manager of the Chautauqua Association, Chicago, in the introduction writes: "The volume needs no comment; it speaks for itself." $1.25 postpaid BUY YOUR COPY NOW THE PLATFORM PUBLISHING CO. 205 E. 50th Street Chicago, Ill. THE NEGRO IN AMERICAN HISTORY Contains 296 Pages, 35 Chapters, Historical and Biographical, 17 Full Page Illustrations, Printed on Fine Antique Book, Bound in Full Green Extra Cloth, Gold Title of Front Cover and Shelf Back. Price, net $1.25. Postage Prepaid $1.40. Order through any bookseller or direct from the author. Address JOHN W. CROMWELL 1439 Swann St. Washington, D.C Agents Wanted TO SELL GREAT EPIC POEM TO Hon. Frederick Douglass Historical and Epigramatic. Absorbing in interest; Inspiring in effect; Epic in subject and replete with incident. One Hundred and Eight Verses—Illustrated. De Luxe Edition $1.00. Write for terms. Enclose a 3c stamp. By Dr. M. A. Majors, 4714 State St., Chicago, Ill. Mention THE CRISIS THE CRISIS ADVERTISER 151 THE STENOGRAPHERS' INSTITUTE 1227 S. 17th Street, PHILADELPHIA, PA. Being able to take a message rapidly in shorthand and transcribing it quickly on a typewriter will help you to be of more service to Uncle Sam than the trench-men. Men and women can help win the War by just knowing how to operate a typewriter. 10,000 STENOGRAPHERS AND TYPEWRITER OPERATORS ARE WANTED AT WASHINGTON, D.C., AT A SALARY FROM $1,000 TO $1,200 PER YEAR Mr. Richard Hill, Jr., one of our students, was appointed last September at $1200 to start. Other students are on the eligible list. Take our War Emergency 36-day Course in Typewriting - reduced to $5; 9 lessons in Fingering; 9 lessons in Letter-writing; 9 lessons in Tabulating and 9 lessons in Legal Work. Apt students operate the typewriter blindfolded at the end of the course. On January 2, 1918, new classes will be organized in Stenography, Typewriting, Business Forms, Bookkeeping and a Special Course in Junior Bookkeeping for school children in the 6th, 7th or 8th Grade. We do not teach by mail. We have given 1300 colored people, from the South and other places, work as domestics, free of charge. If you desire work in Philadelphia in a clerical or domestic capacity, write us, enclosing references and stamp for reply and our service will be rendered you gratuitously/ EDWARD T. DUNCAN, President. WANTED - A position as bookkeeper, double or single entry or as stenographer. Address M. M. B., in care of THE CRISIS, 70 Fifth Avenue, New York City. JOHN A. 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