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58                 THE CRISIS ADVERTISER


A Religious Co-Educational School with a Tradition

Open to All Negroes: Only Merit Counts

Students come from Twenty-nine States in the Union, from Canada , Africa, the West India Islands and Central America. And Graduates Make Good.
Salisbury, North Carolina, an Ideal Place for Study with a Mild, Equable Climate, Pure Water, Breezes from Pine and other Forests a Constant Tonic—the Greatest Degree of Healthfulness.

New Girls' Dormitory with all Modern Conveniences Accommodating 210 just Completed and Ready

Courses of Study: Grammar School, Academy, Normal, College, Divinity, Music and Industries for Boys and Girls.

Expenses Moderate.
Thirty-sixth Session Opened Wednesday, October 3, 1917.

For Further Information Address
D.C. SUGGS, President or
J.E. Aggrey, Registrar.


5th Annual Session
June 24-August 3 1918

College, Normal and Vocational Courses offered. Splendid opportunity for review of teacher's professional work and advance or review work along literary lines.
Large and specially prepared faculty, ample accommodation, excellent equipment.

Special course of lectures.

W.S. SCARBOROUGH, President, Wilberforce University.

GILBERT H. JONES, Dean, College of Arts and Director of Summer School.


For full particulars write the Director.


"The best school for Negroes in the State"—Bishop Theodore D. Bratton.

Regular Four Year A. B. Course
Two Year Teacher Training Course

Choice of Seven Courses — College Preparatory, Agricultural, Mechanical, Home Economics, Commercial, Pedagogical, Musical.

Out in the country. Expenses low.

Four Prize Scholarships of $25.00 Each Offered Boys for Best Entrance Examinations to Eighth and Ninth Grade.

For particulars
Write President W.T. Holmes
Tougaloo, Hinds County, Mississippi

The Slater Industrial and State Normal School
For Colored Youth of Both Sexes

I.   Offering Standard Courses
     In Academic Subjects,
     In Industrial and Vocational Subjects,
     In Education.
II.  Graduates receive the Teacher's Certificate.
III. Located amid the foothills of the mountain section of Western
     North Carolina and the health  conditions are ideal.
IV.  Accommodations excellent and expenses moderate.

For further information communicate with S.G. ATKINS, Principal
Winston-Salem, N.C.


Supported by Baptist State Women's Home Mission Society of Chicago and Boston and A.B.H. Society of New York. Students from six different states. Graduates exempted on first grade by Louisiana, Arkansas and Oklahoma.

O.L. COLEMAN, President


in the City of New York offers to young women a three years' course of instruction in Nursing. Capacity of hospital 420 beds. Post Graduate course of six months to graduates of accredited training schools. For information apply to SUPERINTENDENT of NURSES, Lincoln Hospital and Home, New York City.

                       Mention THE CRISIS.

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                       THE CRISIS
Vol. 16—No.2               JUNE, 1918               Whole No. 92

April 29, 1918.

Dear Mr. Du Bois:
DURING the weeks which I spent with our troops in France, I had abundant occasion to meet and inspect and talk with the men of a considerable number of our colored organizations on the Western front.
I should hesitate to pick out one feature more than another which impressed me most strikingly in the American Expeditionary Force, but certainly the spirit pervading the ranks of our colored soldiers there is not the least among the inspiring recollections which I have of my visit to the American Expeditionary Force. The sanitary condition of the camps seemed to be noticeably excellent; the men with whom I talked told me that their food was plentiful and palatable; and their officers told me that their work was a credit to their organizations.
I have come back with an increased pride in these units.

Cordially yours,
Secretary of War.

OPHELIA: What means this, my Lord?
HAMLET: Marry, it is miching mallecho; it means mischief.

MY colored officer-comrade, do you know what to the Negro people means this German Military Machine? In very truth, "it is miching mallecho; it means mischief," skulking crime from which mischief must ensue if it be not destroyed. It means the dire undoing of dark races.
It means, moreover, slavery chains for our wives, sweethearts, mothers, fathers ond children, more galling and hopeless than those of ante-bellum days in the United States,—more hurtful because we have reached the heights of a half century of well-being and awakening. 
The success of the hated and hateful Hun means, for each black offender of his German over-lord, as it does now in the Kamerun, West Coast Africa, so many lashes for the offense and "One for Kaiser!" to boot.
"Daddy," remarked an old African Kru to me, "if dem German mans win out, somebody can't talk no more!" My fellow officer, that somebody means me and you, mine and yours. Bear in mind that we have more to gain or lose than any other group. 
We must and will win! Cheer and hearten each other! Do not follow, but set the pace for others in doing duty, in discipline, in loyalty and leadership.
Let us keep our eyes, in the dark hours yet before us, on the star of our aspirations for racial betterment; let us play the game square and to the limit, without flinching or wavering,