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Page 88 - THE CRISIS
7th and 8th of November, 1917, when the main patrol at Atawineh Redoubt had failed to reach its objective. He volunteered to again go out; and brought back valuable information as to the enemy's movements.Lee, Corporal V. E. Johns.-For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty.On November 7, 1917, he laid a telephone line from Dumbell Hill to Two Tree Farm, where he established a telephone station, remaining with the advanced troops covering the withdrawal of a squadron of Imperial Service Cavalry. Under heavy shell fire, he remained on duty at his post in a particularly exposed position
  A German submarine bombarded Monrovia, the capital of Liberia, and killed several persons.
  Hiawatha Taylor,son of the late S. Coleridge Taylor, is serving in France with the British Red Cross.
  Colored soldiers from Trinidad, serving in Egypt, have recently won one military cross and three military medals for  bravery.
   THE Board of Education in Louisville,Ky.,has approved the following salary schedules for teachers in the high schools: White teachers (boys), Class A,$2,000 maximum, $1,800 minimum; Class B,$1,700 maximum, $1,550 minimum; Class A (girls),$1,500 maximum, $1,350 minimum;Class B, $1,300 maximum, $1,050 minimum.For colored teachers there is only one class-Class A, the salary for which is $1,200 maximum, $1,000 minimum.
    On account of the immigration of Negroes from the South, Laborers' Protective Union Number 1 of Newark, N.J., is dominated by its Negro members, The Essex County Building Trades Council, however,refused to recognize William A. Pearsall, the Negro elected to represent the union
    The trial of thirty-nine Negroes, members of the Twenty-fourth Infantry,for the Houston riot, finishes the series of the court martial. The verdicts will all go to the President for review.
    The following lynchings have taken place since  our last record:
    Collinsville, Ill., April 4, Robert P. Prager,hanged (white),accused of making disloyal remarks.
    Poplarville, Miss., April 20, Claud Singleton, hanged, accused of murdering a white man. He had been sentenced to life imprisonment.
    Lexington, Ky., April 11, Berry Noyes,hanged, murder of Sheriff W.E.McBride.
    Monroe, La.,April 22, Clyde Williams,hanged, shooting C. L. Thomas, Missouri-Pacific station agent at Fawndale

         THE CRISIS ADVERTISER-page 89
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