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96 THE CRISIS ADVERTISER Atlanta University Studies of the Negro Problems 19 Monographs Sold Separately Address ATLANTAY UNIVERSITY CONFERENCE ATLANTA UNIVERSITY :: ATLANTA, GA. --------------------------------- The Curse of Race Prejudice By James F. Morton, Jr., A.M. An aggressive exposure by an Anglo-Saxon champion of equal rights. Startling facts nd crushing arguments. Fascinating reading. A necessity for clear understanding and up-to-date propaganda. Belongs in the library of every friend of social justice. Price 25 cents. Sent order to JAMES F. MORTON, JR. 211 WEst 138th Street New York, N.Y. ----------------------------------- $25.00 PER WEEK may be made in commissions by parties handling "History of Negro Soldies in Spanish-American War" combined with "History of the Negro Race." 400 pages, 50 illustrations. Price $1.25 net. Address: E. A. JOHNSON 154 Nassau Street NEW YORK -------------------------- STEWARD'S "HATIAN REVOLUTION" -Praised by distinguished Haitians "No more interesting book has been written." -Army and Navy Register. The book that ever young colored man should read Price $1.25 net Address T.G. Steward, Wilberforce, Ohio or the CRISIS, 70-5th Ave., New York City ---------------------------------- [[image]] [[image]] BUSTS OF Booker T. Washington, Fred Douglass, Paul Lawrence Dunbar, Bishop Richard Allen. $1.50 each. The 4 busts for $5.00. Agents wanted. Send at once. THE ISAAC HATHAWAY ART CO. 718 S. HICKORY ST., PINE BLUFF, ARK. ---------------------------------- Have you read "Morning Meditations and Other Selections" by Bishop R. A. Carter, A.M., D.D.? If you have not, send for a copy today. It is a book for thoughtful pastors. It is a storehouse of good things for aspiring young men and women. The book contains the choicest of the Bishops' sermons and addresses delivered to colleges, secret societies, General Conferences, etc. The sermons to the Odd Fellows and Knights of Pythias on their thanksgiving occasions have been pronounced by competent critics masterly expositions of the principles of these orders. You will enjoy reading "Dreams and Dreamers," "The Universal Law for Stars and Souls," "The Three Downward Steps in The Ministry." More than 200 pages beautifully bound in cloth. Now in its second edition. Price $1.25 a copy. Agents wanted. Liberal terms to the right persons. Order from Bishop R. A. Carter 398 Auburn Avenue, ATLANTA, GA. ---------------------------------- Agents Wanted TO SELL GREAT EPIC POEM TO Hon. Frederick Douglass Historical and Epigramatie. Absorbing in interest; Inspiring in effect; Epic in subject and replete with incident. One Hundred and Eight Verses--Illustrated. De Luxe Edition $1.00 Write for terms. Enclose a 3c stamp. By Dr. M.A. Majors, 4714 State St., Chicago, Ill. ---------------------------------- THE NEGRO IN AMERICAN HISTORY Contains 296 Pages, 35 Chapters, Historical and Biographical, 17 Full Page Illustrations Printed on Fine Antique Book Bound in Full Green Extra Cloth, Gold Title on Front Cover and Shelf Back. Price, net $1.25. Postage Prepaid $1.40. Order through any bookseller or direct from the author. Address JOHN W. CROMWELL 1439 Swann St. Washington, D.C. ---------------------------------- BLACK BOYS IN KHAKI are asking for reading matter on Negro subjects. For particulars address the Negro Books for Negro Soldiers Movement, 61 Bible House, New York City. ---------------------------------- Books? See the Selected List on Inside Back Cover Mention THE CRISIS. ---------------------------------- THE CRISIS ADVERTISER 97 ROLAND W. HAYES, Tenor Recitals Concerts Oratorio Opera His voice is rich, pure, free and gracefully lyric; lends itself easily to dramatic passages. Not only has he a voice that many might envy, he also has the gift of interpretation. He catches almost instinctly the mood of the poet and composer.-Philip Hale, in Boston Herald. He combines a pleasing and well trained voice, particularly well used, with notable ability to express the meaning of his songs, excellent enunciation and love for his art.-Boston Traveler. Address: 130 Boylston St., Boston, Mass. ---------------------------------- LULA ROBINSON-JONES Soprano Available for Concerts Telephone 6393 Morningside 126 W. 134th Street New York City ---------------------------------- FLORENCE COLE-TALBERT Soprano "She has one of the best voices that God has given her race." -Los Angeles Times Engagements accepted for Concerts, Recitals, Oratorio 93 Locust Street, Detroit, Mich. ---------------------------------- Clarence Cameron White [[ image ]] VIOLINIST "Critics are one in their high estimate of the splendid attainments of Clarence Cameron White and his Concert appearance in your city means the musical event of the season." For terms and dates address 616 COLUMBUS AVENUE BOSTON, MASS. ---------------------------------- Harry A. Williams. Pupil of Delle Sedie and Sbriglia-Paris Denza and Tosti-London. VOICE CULTURE Coaching and Repertoire French and Italian Songs a Specialty. 174 West 141st St., New York City. Telephone Audubon 8009 ---------------------------------- Would you like to adorn the walls of your home with "LEAD KINDLY LIGHT" the painting by William E. Scott which was used on the April CRISIS cover? So many of our readers who do not care to destroy the magazine itself but are desirous of having this beautiful cover picture for framing have asked us for extra copies of this work. WE ARE ABLE TO MEET THEIR WISHES. A copy of this cover neatly trimmed and suitable for framing and carefully mailed with protecting card board will be sent to any address on receipt of five cents in stamps. Address: The CRISIS, 70 Fifth Ave. ---------------------------------- Records of Negro Artists No institution and no agency as done as much to bring into popular knowledge the best in the world's store of music and song as the phonograph. Whether for recreation of for instruction, this remarkable device has made a place for itself in the homes of the world. Probably you have wanted to bring to your home and to your family and to your friends the voice of the individual Negro singer or the playing of the individual Negro performer who would take high rank among the invisible makers of music and singers of song whom the phonograph has brought to cheer your spare moments after the grind of the day's work is done. Roland W. Hayes, the acknowledged leading singer of the Negro race, is bringing out a series of such records of Negro Artists and the following numbers are now ready: "Swing Low Sweet Chariot" (arranged by Harry Burleigh). "Vesti la Guibba (Put on Your Smock)" from Pagliacci, with orchestral accompaniment. "Twilight" by Katherine A. Glen, with pianoforte accompaniment. "I Hear You Calling Me," by Marshall, with pianoforte accompaniment. These records sell for $1.50 each and can be used on any machine using disc records. Address: ROLAND W. HAYES 130 Boylston Street Boston, Mass. ---------------------------------- Mention THE CRISIS.
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