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Office Assistant Commissioner
Bureau of Refugees Freedmen and Abandoned Lands
Montgomery, Ala.
Sept 19th 1865

Capt W. A Kobbs
Comdr Post Greenville, Ala.

Gen Swayne directs me to say he is obliged to you for your promptness in reporting your discoveries in relation to the kidnapping of negroes on the coast.

Measures have been taken for the observance of the Florida & Alabama coast both by land and sea. A copy of your communication has been forwarded to Washington and also to the Dept commander. It is manifestly your duty to at once arrest every person whom you have reason to suppose is engaged in this nefarious traffic, reporting your action to your superior commander.

Very respectfully,
Your obt srvt.
Bvt Col & A.A.G.

Office Assistant Commissioner
Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands
Montgomery, Ala.
Sept 19th 1865

Maj. Gen. C. R. Woods
Comdg Dept of Alabama

I have the honor to request that Maj J.B. Sample Asst Adjt Genl US. Vols may be assigned to duty in this Bureau and ordered to report to me. I have made application to 


the War Dept for him and wish him assigned by you pending that request.

I have the honor to be,
Very respectfully,
Your obt srvt,
Brig. Gen & Asst Comm'sr.

Office Assistant Commissioner
Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands
Montgomery, Ala.
Sept 19th 1865

Capt S.L. Taggart
A. A. G. Bureau R.F. & A.L.
Washington D.C. 

In your official copy of communication from the Adjt Genl Office dated Sept 8th 1865 occurs the following paragraph;
"So much of the application as requests the detail of officers of the 2nd and 3rd U.S. Volunteers cannot be granted, those regiments being under orders for muster out."

I made no application for officers from those regiments but did ask for officers from the 2nd Maine Cavalry.  Is that what the above paragraph refers to.

I am Sir,
Very respectfully,
Your obt srvt,
Brig. Gen. & Asst. Comm'sr.

Transcription Notes:
Maj J.B. Sample - verification online.