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War Department office of this Bureau, and estimating the needful supply of rations for North Alabama for the month of January 1866 at Five Thousand daily.  I ventured to request that you direct the proper offices of the Commissary Department to have the same carried out.  Mr Cruickshanks goes to Huntsville to cooperate with my agent there in the commercial and wise distribution of these supplies.

Fearing that in the derangement of the rail-roads my letter and estimate may have miscarried I have handed a second copy to Mr Cruickshanks with a request that in such want he proceed to Nashville and call on you with the same end in view.  Gov. Patton has I presume on this seen you on the same subject.

Your assistance will enable Mr Cruickshanks to effect at once what I believe to be required by humanity and within the policy of the Government.

I am, General
Very Respectfully,
Your Obt Servant
Brvt Maj Gen

Office Assistant Commissioner 
Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands
Montgomery, Ala.  Jany 3d 1866

Brvt Maj. Gen. M.C. Meigs
Quarter Master General U.S.A


I am requested by B.W. Norris, 


late Major and Paymaster of Volunteers to ask your attention to his application for the use of a limited time and at a fair price, of a small river steamer, in your charge.

Major Norris is a worthy and patriotic gentleman, whose services in the Bureau and outside of it since have been valuable to it and to the Government, and he is now a leading man among those Northern settlers who can alone effect a real restoration.

I shall be very glad if in your view the good of the service will permit you to oblige Major Noffis as he requests.  His statements, though Hon Mr Blaine, are worthy of consideration and entire confidence.

I am, General, 
Very Respectfully
Your obt Servt ,
Brvt Maj Gen'l.

Office Assistant Commissioner
Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen & Abandoned Lands
Montgomery, Ala.  Jany 4th 1866 

R.B. Mintum Esq'r.
78 South Street
New York City

Dear Sir;

I am in receipt this morning from the War Department office of this Bureau of a memorandum of forty cases clothing and stores transferred by yourself and others to Brig. Gen. Van [[?Ulich]] for transportation and delivery to me.  The stores when received will be promptly