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will also annul these indentures.

By order of
Bvt Maj Gen Wager Swayne

Office Assistant Comissioner
Bureau of Refugees Freedmen and Abandoned Lands
Montgomery, Ala. Jany 30 1866

Bvt Col Max Woodhull
Washington, D.C.

I have the honor to request fifty (50) copies each of the following circulars, series 1865.

Numbers one (1), two (2), eight (8), twelve (12), and fourteen (14)

Very Respectfully,,
Your obt Servt

Bvt Maj Gen'l

Office Assistant Commissioner
Bureau of Refugees Freedmen and Abandoned Lands
Montgomery, Ala. Jany 30 1866

Maj Gen C.R. Woods
Comd'r Dept of Alabama
Mobile, Ala

Your communication of Jany 26th in relation to the Selma Iron works is received.

The property was seized as captured from the Confederate Government and was sold by the Treasury gst at Selma on Dec'r 


15 1865 under direction of Mr R.V. Montague Collector.
No proceeds have yet been reported to this office. A claim has been made for the property by the Selma Iron Works Co. on the ground that it was private property, not captured or abandoned.
As to the validity of this claim I am not informed.
By orders from your Headquarters the delivery of the property as sold by the Treasury Agent was suspended.

Bvt Maj Gen'l

Office Assistant Commissioner
Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands
Montgomery, Ala Jany 30th 1866

Maj Gen C.H. Howard
Commissioner &c.
Washington D.C.

Your note of the 19 inst in relation to the Richmond Republic has been received.
I have subscribed for the paper and two copies have been subscribed for in my office.
I shall take pleasure in bringing it to the notice of my agents.
Very Respectfully,
Your Obt Servt

Bvt Maj Gen'l

Transcription Notes:
Max Woodhull - Staff List of Bur.