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Your Obt Servt
Capt Vet Res Corps

Office Asst Coms'r
Montg. Ala.  Feb 1st 1866

Bvt Maj J.H. Elderkin
Chief Coms'r Sub
Dept of Alabama.


I have the honor to submit the following estimate of stores for the month of February which I consider necessary to be sent to the Posts designated.

I hope to be able to relieve you of a portion at least of the labor imposed on you in connection with the ration matter as soon as the Coms'r assigned by Gen Woods reports and I should be glad to have him obey Gen Woods order as soon as possible.

Very Respectfully,
Your Obt Servt,
Bvt Maj Genl &c.

Office Asst Coms'r
BRF & A.L.
Montgomery Ala.  Feby 1st 1866

Maj Genl George H. Thomas
Comd'r Mil Div. of the Tennessee 


I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt through Gen'l Chas. R. Woods of a copy of your telegram of Dec'r 26th 1865 in reference to the sale of property claimed by the Selma Iron Works at Selma Ala, with his request


that I write you in reference to the matter.  In reference to this property I have the honor to report.

[[Left margin]] The letter of date Feby 5th page 232 [[/Left Margin]]

As soon as possible after my receipt of Executive Order of Nov 11th 1865, directing the Civil and Military Agents of the United States to turn over to me, all property of the late rebel Gov't and proceeds arising from the same in this State, I sent to Mobile to demand from Mr Montague, who had charge of all captured property in this State, a compliance with that order.  I found that he was perfectly willing to turn over the property but that his agents had had a great deal of difficulty in getting control of captured property and that in every case they had found that all sorts of claims of ownership were advanced and that they and they only, were sufficiently acquainted with the facts to continue and complete the business.  I therefore directed or rather requested that they should go on and close it up, and the proceeds only be turned over.

Under this arrangement the sale was made on the 15th Dec'r 1865, as had been previously advertised, Mr Montague being then present and having control of the sale.  This sale included the property of the Confederate Gov't in the Arsenal & Naval Foundry at Selma as well as the property claimed by the Selma Iron Works.

Your order directing that the sale of the Selma Iron Works should not be made was not received, as I am informed, until after the sale had been made.  The property of that Co however has not been

Transcription Notes:
INDEX states clearly - J.H. Elderkin.