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Office Asst Coms'r
B.R.F.& A.L.
Mont. Feb 10. 1866

Col M.P. Small
Chief Coms'r of Sub
Nashville, Tenn

The Counties of Cherokee & Dr Kall in this State cannot be supplied from the Huntsville, Dist.
Cherokee should be supplied from Trenton and DeKalb from Rome, Ga.
In order to effect such supply I need Capt A.L. Brown of this office to you to make arrangements for the shipment & issue of rations. I have given Capt B. returns approved, for the number of persons who are actually suffering in there counties. The report of the condition of the people in those Counties is heart-rending. 

Very Respectfully
Your Obt Servt

Bt Maj Gen

Office Asst Coms'r
B.R.F. & A.L.
Mont, Ala. Feb 10. 1866

Maj Gen C.R. Woods
Comd'r Dept of Alabama


On Jany 23'd a communication of J. Bragg's relation to stock on his place was referred by you to this office and returned with a statement that Braxton Bragg received an order on the 19th Jany confirming the order of the provost marshall.


The endorsement on the order of the Provost Marshall referred to in J. Bragg's communication was as follows,
"Although the written order is suspended by order of the Secretary of War, referring such cases to this office the ruling is substantially correct and the facts when shown will confirm "the title".
Judge Russell of Lourdes Co decided on seeing this endorsement that the mules belonged to J. Bragg but permitted the Claimants to take an appeal to this office. Upon reference to the Contract made between J. Bragg and the freedmen on his place it is found that the animals brought on to the place by freedmen were to be their property.
I enclose a copy of a letter written to Judge Russell upon which he ordered a new trial of the case and decided that the animals belonged to the freedmen.
To this decision Braxton Bragg dissents and states that my authority in such cases to this office and requests that a final decision be made.
I respectfully request that, as all matters relating to freedmen properly come under my jurisdiction, you will refer any application that may be made to you in the matter to me.

Very Respectfully
Your Obt. Servt,

Bvt Maj Gen