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I am advised by Col Beecher at Mobile, that Robertson on the 14th inst, expressed his determination to start at once for Washington, and probably did so.  I telegraph you of this fact to-day.

Very Respectfully
Your Obt Servt
Bt Maj Gen

P.S.  I send a copy of your communication to Col Edwin Beecher, who succeeds Col Wright.

Office Asst Coms'r
B.R.F. & A.L.
Mont. Ala.  Feb. 16, 1866

Hon. D.W. Siler
Probabe Judge
Troy, Pike Co. Ala.


I am in receipt of a communication from the officer in charge of this Bureau at Atlanta, Georgia, in reference to three colored children, Henry, Ellen & Fanny, formerly the property of Mr. Robert Baugh of that City.

Upon careful inquiry I find that the mother of these children is dead:  that their father is in jail and will go to the Penitentiary and their step-mother is a woman of bad character.  That their own mother on her death-bed bequeathed them to Mr Robert Baugh, who is a gentleman of probity and benevolence, and is anxious to discharge the trust he then assumed.  There is every reason to suppose it will be liberally discharged.

The children are now 


within your jurisdiction, and I have to request that you will send them to me, in charge of the bearer of this note that I may transmit them to Mr Baugh.

Should you find yourself embarrassed by indentures previously made, you are at liberty to throw the blame on my shoulders, simply discharging the city imposed on you by law to cancel indentures at any time when the interest of the apprentice may require it.

I am, Sir,
Very Respectfully
Your Obt Servant
Bt Maj Gen

Office Asst Coms'r
B.R.F. & A.L.
Mont.  Feb. 17, 1866

Bt Col J.B. Callis
Supt R.F. & A.L.
Huntsville, Ala.


The within case was referred to Col G.A. Harmount, Supt. here by a member of the House of Representatives.

Please make a statement of the facts in this case as soon as practicable to this office.  Mr Penny appeals from your decision to Maj Gen Swayne

Very Respectfully
Your Obt Servt