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Mobile Ala. 


I enclose you the pro-rata allowance of rations to be issued by your order on the Coms'r at Mobile. 

Such rations as you cannot issue direct to the parties either through yourself or your agents you can transfer to the County Judges for distribution.  In your discretion you can reduce the number allowed in this list. 

Mobile  975 - Daily 
Choctaw  240 - Daily 
Marengo  74 - Daily  
Wilcox  73 - Daily 
Monroe  146 - Daily 
Clarke  240 - Daily 
Washington  100 - Daily 
Baldwin  22 - Daily 
Pickens  400 - Daily 
Sumter  100 - Daily 
Greene  100 - Daily  

The county judges or their Agents must make arrangements for the necessary transportation.

Very Respectfully, 
Your obt Servt 

Office Asst Coms'r.
B.R.F. & A.L.
Mont.  Feb 20, 1866 

Capt Hamilton, 
Comd'r Post of Claiborne 


Garland Goode Esq the Agent of this Bureau at Claiborne requires a team


for the use of Freedmen in his District.  We have extra reams at Demopolis and will furnish im one provided you will take charge of and receipt for it.  It will be impossible to let one go to that distance from one of our Q.Ms. unless some officer stationed at Claiborne becomes responsible for it.

If you can do this I will sand an order to Maj Pierce at Demopolis to make the transfer.

Very Respectfully
Your obt Servt 

Office Asst Coms'r.
B.R.F. & A.L.
Mont.  Feb 21st 1866 

Gen Williard [[Willard]] Warner
State Senate
Columbus Ohio.

My dear Sir;

I am in receipt of a note, forwarded and strongly endorsed by you, from H.S. Martin, Esq'r., State Senate, asking an appointment to duty in this Bureau for Dr Perkins Wallace, of Canton, Starke Co. Ohio.

Just now, while the fate of the re-organization Bill is unsettled, it would not be wise for any one to incur a change of place to accept a position in the Bureau.

In a few days however, I expect to know where we stand, and if you can vouch for your friend as a competent physician, we shall probably be able to give him a situation such as he desires, though the salary is limited to $100.00x per month.