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If the Dr desires this and will write, we shall probably be able to send him a definite answer by the time his letter gets here.

Very Respectfully
Your obt Servt 
Bt Maj Gen.

Office Asst Coms'r.
B.R.F. & A.L.
Mont. Ala.  Feb 22, 1866 

Colonel George D. Robinson
Supt. Dist of Mobile
Mobile Alabama


I am in receipt of an order from the Secretary of War, directing me to transfer to the Trustees, the Mobile Medical College.  The formal order will be sent you tomorrow.

I shall take the responsibility of allowing thirty days in which to complete the transfer.

And the further responsibility of directing you, which I hereby do, to rent a building for the use of the persons who now occupy The College, for one year, at an expense of not more than four thousand dollars, $4,000, and you will in my name request Mayor Withers to assist you in so doing.  If I remember right there is a building known as the "Barton Academy" which would answer the purpose well.

The Legislature will adjourn this week, and I wish you to see Mr Gage, of the State Senate, on his return.  Meanwhle I shall ask him to help you in the matter, as he will be able to do.


Very Respectfully
Your Obedient Servant 
Bt Maj Gen'l.

Office Asst Coms'r.
B.R.F. & A.L.
Mont.  Feb 22, 1866 

Maj Gen Chas. R. Woods
Commd'g Dept of Alabama
Mobile, Alabama.


I received just now a very kind telegram from Col Hunter Brooke Judge Advocate, inquiring whether there was any legal provision for the transfer of fines from Courts Martial or Military Commissions to this Bureau.  I was obliged to reply that there was not, but as the matter was within your control I vetured to add that if you would make such an order, generally or in any case, I would hold the money until it could be satisfied by final authority.  It is possible I shall go to Washington next week.  Once there I could easily do it, and General Howard I am sure, would take it kindly.

Very Respectfully
Your Obedient Servant
Bt Maj Gen

Office Asst Coms'r.
B.R.F. & A.L.
Mont.  Feb 22, 1866 

Col Hunter Brooke
Judge Advocate &c.
Mobile, Alabama