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Office Asst Coms'r.
B.R.F. & A.L.
Mont.  Feb 27, 1866

Lieut Col Gandolpho 
Commanding Post 
Greenville, Ala


Complaints of which I feel bound to take notice have reached me that the acts of my agent at Greenville, though, within his proper province, have repeatedly been counteracted by you, and that great violence by men of your command upon a respectable colored clergyman, has gone unpunished by you.  This last case figures prominently in point.

If I recollect aright, I have had the pleasure not only of meeting with but receiving co-operation from you.  And I have a strong impression that it is only necessary to call your attention in all kindness to the fact that the discipline of the service presumptorily requires unity, which can only be attained by each branch affording to every other, not only its legitimate authority but a generous support.  I enclose you an order showing that the Department Commander enter fully into this view.

I am [[strikethrough]] General [[\strikethrough]], Colonel
Very Respectfully
Your Obedient Servant
Bt Maj Gen

[[note]] Copy sent to T.W. Mostyn [[/note]]

Office Ass Coms'r.
B.R.F. & A.L.
Mont.  Feb 28, 1866

Rev'd. D.P. Cilley.


Farmington, N.H.


Yours of the 21st inst is rec'd.

Gen Swayne has gone to Washington.  Any assistance that this Bureau can render you in your mission to Talladega will be given.

Caps Thos. Taylor 34. N.J. Vols is the Asst Supt of Talladega.

Very Respectfully
Your Obt Servt
Bt Col & A.A.G.

Office Asst Coms'r.
B.R.F. & A.L.
Mont.  Feb. 28th 1866

B.H. Miller & others
Opelika Ala


Your communication of the 26th inst is rec'd.

We are willing to assist you as much as possible but cannot furnish you any such amount of clothing & tents as you ask for.

Rations have been furnished the County Judge for your county.  If you will send down for them I will give you ten suits of clothes and blankets and bed sacks.  I cannot see what you want of twenty four (24) hospital tents and One Hundred suits of clothes when you only have ten cases of small-pox

Very respectfully
Your Obt Servt