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Greenville Ala

Your report of the 20th inst is received and is satisfactory.

I am glad that you co-operate so cordially with Judge Porter.

The Counties entitled to receive rations from your Post are

Conecuh 145 daily
Covington 137 daily
Coffee 160 daily
Dale 300 daily
Henry 151 daily

Very Respectfully
Your Obt Servt


Office Asst Comsr
B.R.F & A.L.
Mont. M'ch 23. 1866

P. Maroin Esqr
J P. Lowndes Co Ala


Your comn of the 14th inst is received. You are not an agent of the Bureau unless specially appointed to act as such.

Your jurisdiction is alike in cases of whites or blacks, except as follows:

Under Gen Orders No 12 from this office you have authority to enforce a contract made between freedmen and planters where the contract has been approved by an agent of the Bureau. The approval must be by an agent specially appointed for that purpose or by a Supt or Asst Supt of a District. Magistrates are not Agents Ex. officio.


Very Respectfully
Your Obdt Servt

A.A. Gen

Office Asst Comsr
B.R.F & A.L
Mont. March 20th 1866

R. W. Russell Esqr
Justice of the Peace

Your comn of the 17th inst is received.

You was an Agent of the Bureau for the administration of justice under General Orders No 7 & 12 but had no authority to approve contracts.

Please send copies of the contracts already approved by you to G.A. Harmount, Asst Supt at this place and if they meet with his approval your action will be confirmed.

At present it is not desirable to appoint any additional Agents but should it be deemed necessary hereafter your application will be considered

Very Respectfully
Your Obdt Servt


Office Asst Comsr
B.R.F & A.L.
Mont March 26. 1866

Commanding Officer
58th Ills Vols

I have the honor to transmit the Description Lists of the following named enlisted men of your Regt. on duty in this Bureau.

Transcription Notes:
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