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J. B. Brown "A" Co
Chas Kikindall "A" Co
F. Dubach "C" Co
Louis H. Lee "C" Co
David Maples "D" Co
John H. Walker "D" Co
Joseph Rice "D" Co
Wallace B. Morris "L" Co
William P. Copeland "L" Co

Very Respectuflly
Your Obt Servt


Office Asst Comsr
B.R.F & A.L.
Mont. March 27. 1866

Col Max Woodhull
A.A.G. B R.F & A.L.
Washington D.C.

I have the honor to transmit herewith a Monthly report of Freedmen for February 1866. An error occurs in the report transmitted on the 20th inst and I desire to withdraw that report and explain it with this.

Very Respectfully,
Your Obt Servt

Bt Col & A.A.G.
(The Asst Comsr being absent)

Office Asst Comsr
B. RF & A.L.
Mont. March 27. 1866

Bt Brig Gen C. H. HOward
A.A.A.G. B.R.F & A.L.
Washington D.C.


I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your communication of the 17th inst.

There are no Asst Commissioners or Commissioners of Subsistence on duty in this District connected with the Bureau.

Issues of Subsistence are made by the Post Commissioners on the requisitions of Supts or Asst Supts.

I believe there are but three Commissioners in the State, stationed at Mobile Montgomery and Huntsville.

Very Respectfully
Your Obt Servt

(The Asst Comsr being absent)

Office Asst Comsr
B.R.F & A.L.
Mont. March 27. 1866

Maj Gen C.R. Woods
Comdr Dept of Ala


On the 17th inst the Supt of Freedmen for this Dist sent a guard of three men to a plantation near Mist Point to arrest a man who had shot a freedman, the civil authorities having failed to take any action in the case. Upon reaching the house and endeavoring to arrest the man they were attacked by several persons fired upon and driven off. Two of the guard were struck by pistol balls but not injured. Last week at my request Bt Brig Gen Heally sent a guard up there and arrested two of the men engaged in resisting the arrest and

Transcription Notes:
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