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Office Asst Comsr
BR. F & A.L.
Mont. March 29. 1866

Bt Maj J. W. Elderkin
Chief Comsr of Subsistence
Dept of Alabama

I have the honor to submit the following estimate of stores required for issue to the destitute persons in that state during the month of April 1866.

Tuscaloosa 950 rations daily
Talladega 1300 rations daily
Selma 1200 rations daily
Montgomery 2700 rations daily
Greenville 1400 rations daily
Mobile 2000 rations daily

Very Respectfully
Your Obt Servt

(the Asst Comsr being absent)

Office Asst Comsr
B.R.F. & A.L.
Mont. March 29. 1866

Thos. P. Cottle Esqr
Probate Judge Covington Co. Ala

Your communication has been referred to the Asst Supt R.F & A.L. at Greenville with instructions to supply you with the rations for 137 persons daily or at that rate.

Very Respectfully
Your Obt Servt



Office Asst Comsr
B.R.F & A.L.
Mont March 31. 1866

Hon A.B. Cooper
Prairie Bluff Ala


Your comn of the 26th inst is received.

The applications for the appointments asked for by you and which Gen Swayne promised to make were handed to me by the General with instructions to make them. I found however that we already had an agent at Camden. One agent in each County is considered ample so that the apt was not made. I wrote to you on the subject last month explaining the reason of the non-appointment.

Capt Ball and his squad of men were sent to Camden at my request because the authority of Mr Comstock had been defied and his officer assaulted. Gen Swayne has been in Washington since the last of Feby. I expect him back about the 5 prox. Upon his return I will submit your comn to him. Until such time at least, it will be necessary to retain the force now at Camden.

Very Respectfully
Your Obdt Servt

Office Asst Comsr
B.R.F & A.L.
Mont. March 31. 1866

J. J. Gardner

Supt R.F & A.L.
Selma Ala


Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-08-16 19:01:50