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you in establishing your office.

The Pay accounts you require are forwarded today.

Very Respectfully
Your Obdt Servant

Signed C Cadle Jr
AA General

Office Asst Commissioner
Montgomery Ala April 20th 1866

Benj F. Porter
Greenville Ala

My Dear Sir

Your communication of the 19th inst is received.

The General will gladly recommend you for the position of Commissioner under the Civil Rights Bill provided you can take the test oath which is a sine qua non for such position.

He will also be glad to recommend you for the position of Post Master of Greenville, if you desire it.

Very Respectfully
Your Obdt Servant
Sigd C Cadle Jr
AA General 


Office Asst Commissioner
B. R. F.& A L
Montgomery Ala April 20th 1866

F S Syon Esq
Demopolis Ala

Dear Sir

I wrote you from Washington that I had conversed with the Attorney General in reference to the Prinfield matter, that he was of the opinion that Special legislation was desirable, and had undertaken to procure it on application which I made in due form

The day before I left Washington, he advised me that at the Cabinet meeting fixed for the ensuing day the matter would be formally taken up and that the President would at once ask Congress to do what was desirable.

I have been in my office but little since my return. Having to go to Mobile I shall at once inquire and report to you the present stage of the affair.

I am sir
Your obedient Servant
Signed Wager Swayne
Bvt Major General

Office Asst Commissioner
B. R. F. & A L
Montgomery Ala April 20th 1866

Lt. Col. G. A. Washburn
Supt R.F.&A.L
Mobile Ala


Your communication of the 16th inst is received. The employment of Capt Manchester at the sale is approved.

Very Respectfully
Your obdt Servant 
Sgd C. Cadle Jr
AA General