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Office Asst. Commissioner
Bureau of R F and A L
Montgomery ala April 20th 1866

Lieut A Grobler
34th N.J. vols.


Provost Major C W Pierce Supt R.F. and A.L. Demopolis will receipt to you for the property at Gainesville. He leaves here tonight for Demopolis, and will see you at Selma.

Very Respectfully
Your obdt Servant
Sg'd C. Cadle Jr
A.A Genl.

Office Asst. Commissioner
B.R.F & A.L
Montg Ala April 21st 1866 

Dr. Perkins Wallace
Canton Starke Co. Ohio

Dear Sir
I am only this afternoon in my receipt of your note of the 3rd inst. I have been absent nearly all of the past two months.
In reply, I can only say what I said on the 21st Febry last on receiving your first application through Genl Warner that I consider the continuance of this Bureau too precious to write any one to come here relying on it for employment without suggesting its possible discontinuance.

There are but two classes of civilian agents in the Bureau. Physicians and Clerks, the former is the one which I suppose you desire to be assigned. The roll I believe is now full but should you see proper to come I will see that a place is found in it for you pursuing such collateral advantages as the instincts of those 

may present.
Your obdt Servant 
Sig'd Wager Swayne
Bvt Major General

Office Asst Commissioner
B.R and A.L
Montgomery Ala April 23rd 1866
Benj. F. Parter Esq
Greensville Ala

My Dear Sir
Yours of the 21st inst is received. The General's opinion is that the aid you have given to the persons etc, as explained by you would be no bar to your taking the oath. The assistance rendered by you to the hungry and the naked was an act of charity, and not aid to the insurgents, and such assistance was often given to prisoners by myself and many other officers and soldiers. If the objections you mention are the only scruples you have I think you can take the oath. If you conclude that you can do so the General will at once recommend you for Commissioner under the Civil rights Bill. 
Please address your answer to the General and start tonight on a trip in the western part of the state.
Very Respectfully
Your obdt Servant
Sg'd C Cadle Jr