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Office Asst Commissioner
B. R.F and A.L.
Montgomery Ala. May 4th 1866

Howard O.O. Maj Genl and Commissioner
B.R.F. and A.L.
Washington D.C.

I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt, this day, of "official Copy", of the decision of the Quartermasters Generals Dept, in reference to old buildings, turned over to the Bureau; and in regard to the selling of refuse lumber.
Very Respectfully
Your obdt servant
(Sgd) Wager Swayne
Bvt Maj General 

Office Asst Commissioner
B.R.F. & A L
Montgomery Ala. May 4th 1866

Fannin A.B. Hon.
Tuskegee, Macon Co Ala, 

In reply to a communication from E. H. Pon Esq. of the 2d inst the General directs me to say that the number of rations estimated for your County for May will be delivered to any one presenting himself at this office with a certificate from you that he is the regularly appointed agent. Rations cannot be shipped from here without the agent coming for them in person.
Very Respectfully
Your obdt Servant
(Sgd) O.D. Kinsman
A.A. General


Office Asst Commissioner
B.R.F. and A L
Montgomery ala May 4th 1866

Pon  E.W. Esq
Tuskegee, Macon Co Ala

In reply to your communication of the 2d inst, the Genl directs me to say that the number of rations estimated for your County for May will be delivered to any one presenting himself at this office with a certificate from the County Judge of Probate, that he is the regularly appointed agent. Rations cannot be shipped from here without the agent coming for them in person.
Very Respectfully
Your obdt Servant
(Sgd) O.D. Kinsman
A.A. General

Office Asst Commissioner
B.R.F. and A L
Montgomery Ala May 4th 1866

Worthy T.A. Dr.
Tory Pike Co Ala.
General Swayne desires me to forward you the enclosed paper which will explain itself, and to request you to investigate and take such steps in the case as will insure justice to father and children.
Very Respectfully
Your obdt Servant
(Sgd) O.D. Kinsman
A.A. General.

Transcription Notes:
Swayne Reopened. E.W. Pon - is correct. The INDEX says "PORE", or looks like it in someone elses writing. BUT online, he is listed as E W Pon, military record, and found twice on Censuses - Macon, Alabama.