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Morgan Co. Par Diem.    600
Cherokee Par Diem.      800
De Kalb Par Diem        800
Blount Par Diem         700
Marshall Par Diem       700
Total                 8,000

Very Respectfully
your Obdt Servant
(Signed) O D Kinsman
AA Genl

Office Asst Commissioner
B R F & A L
Montgomery Ala May 21st 1866

Bond. Jas R. Hon.
Mobile Ala
Dear Sir
I received on Saturday your note of the 17th inst - but the reply which I immediately commenced was delayed until too late for the mail. By virtue of the enclosed order of the President, it became the duty of the collector of the Port of Mobile to transfer to this Bureau such property of a certain class as should be required for its use and such money as accrued from the disposition of other property of the same class.

The collector nothing in his hands being required for own use proceeded in the collection and disposition of such property transferring under the order simply the net proceeds afterwards and before the death of the collector, he was required by the secretary to transfer at once all the property which remained, much to own annoyance and regret.

The property to which you refer, having been previously sold, of course did not come into our hands. 

The collector having his appointment and authority from the Secretary of the Treasury it was not thought competent for us to inquire into the correctness


of the stated aggregate of money due, or the particular hence it was desired, The Secretary alone had power to pass upon the acts of the collector; it was for us to account for the sum,tendered and accrued. 

In point of fact nothing ever passed between us and the collector as to money matters, except that certain payments on account were made by him to the disbursing Officer of the Bureau. When asked for a memorandum of the sum Total, he said it could not be given until his accounts were complete, of which we had never been advised. Nor have we any intimation that the proceeds of the property to which you refer as having been sold by him were part of the money so paid over. 

The particulars of the payments made are, however accessible to you, either here or at the collectors office, and on an intimation from the Secretary of Treasury that funds have been improperly transferred to this office, the amount, would I presume, be immediately replaced. 

Very Respectfully 
Your Obdt Servant 
Wager Swayne
Bvt Maj General

Office Asst  Commissioner 
B R F and  AL
Montgomery Ala May 2nd, 1866
Woods, Chas R Bvt Maj Genl
Comdg Dept of Ala 

I have the honor to enclose herewith for your consideration a copy of a letter this morning received from the Supt of the Bureau at Mobile. With the letter came general papers, which are, I suppose, of record in your office.

You will observe that the man Tarrington whom we were so long anxious to get out, of service, is again brought into ugly prominence. If guilty, I hope and trust he may be caught.

These investigations, your Prov Marshal thinks may be