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[[left margin]] Fowler [[/left margin]]
Office Asst. Commissioner
B.R.F. and A.L.
Montgomery Ala May 30, 1866

Brevet Major Wm Fowler
Asst. Adjut. General
B.R.F and A.L.
Washington D.C.

I have the honor to acknowledge receipt on the 29th inst. of 300 forms "Proof of Dependence in mothers claim for Pension." 
Your letter of transmittal dated 25th inst. stated that you forwarded 150 of the above forms and 150 forms "Declaration of Children for Bounty and Arrears of Pay." The latter have not been received. 

Very Respectfully, 
Your Obedient Servant
(Signed) Wager Swayne 
Major General

Office Asst. Commissioner
B. R. F. and A. L.
Montgomery Ala. May 30 1866

Commanding Officer US Forces
Montgomery, Ala.

Maj. Gen. Swayne directs me to request that you will furnish the bearer, Mr. J Wilson, (Deputy U.S. Marshal) with a small guard for the purpose of bringing certain men before the U.S District Court now in session in this city. 
The General desires me also to say that he would be pleased if you would call on him at your earliest convenience. 
Very Respectfully, 
Your obedient Servant
(Signed) O.D Kinsman
A A Gen. 

Office Asst. Commissioner 
B.R.F and A.L.
Montgomery Ala, June 1 1866

Hon Charles P. Gage
Mobile, Ala. 

My Dear Sir, 
I thought it would interest you to know that the schools in the Medical College will close on or before the 15th inst, and that, immediately upon that event, it is expected to vacate the building, in pursuance of the arrangement entered upon some time since
We hope to re-open the Schools in the fall in the Marine Hospital Building. 
Meanwhile I would thank you to help me to correct a palpable wrong. You will observe from the enclosed that a poll-tax of eighty cents has been collected from every adult negro in Mobile County for educational purposes, while you are aware that no educational facilities are afforded by the County to its colored inhabitants. I hope the good people of Mobile do not purpose to carry out this plan. 
I am sure you will do what you can to stop it. Let them collect the money, but let them use it honestly, and give the colored people a good school. If they would even give it to Bishop Wilmer for that purpose, he is honest, energetic, and interested in the cause, while he is certainly obnoxious to none of them on political grounds. 
It further seems to me that the Collectors and assessors charges have been extremely lucrative to somebody, without the least authority of law. Cannot you look into this also?
Please drop me a line in reply. 

Very Respectfully 
Your Obedient Servant
(Signed) Wager Swayne. 
Major General