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Head Quarters. Dist. of Alabama
Montgomery, June 4th 1866

[[left margin]] McKim [[/left margin]]
J. Miller McKim
Cor. Sec. Am. F of U. Com
no. 76 John Street
New York City. 

I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your communication of the 28th ulto in reference to clothing and blankets shipped to L.J. Mellen, Esq, at Mobile, Ala. In reply I have to say that inquiry will be made as to the receipt and disposition of the goods. 
Very Respectfully
Your Obedient Servant 
O.D. Kinsman
A.A. General.

Headquarters Dist. of Alabama
Montgomery, June 5, 1866

[[left margin]] Busteed [[/left margin]]
Hon Richard Busteed
U.S. District Judge
Montgomery Alabama. 

In the matter of the United States vs Partridge et. al. - pending in your court, certain wooden buildings and other temporary improvements put upon land of the Defendants by the late rebel government were taken charge of by the United States Treasury Department under the Act of [blank] for sale and conversing to the use of the government.
Pending this disposition the property referred to was transferred to this Bureau under the enclosed executive order and corresponding orders from the Secretary of the Treasury. The same disposition was then made of it as originally contemplated, the state being effected by a bonded office of the United States, and the proceeds applied by him under proper authority.

Meanwhile the real estate, private property of the defendants, having been libelled, and that having received pardon, they now ask that the libel be dismissed at their cost. 
I am advised that this motion is resisted in behalf of the United States, and the owners of the realty held accountable for the property so disposed of. I cannot see how this can be, the money having been already accounted for to the treasury at Washington as part of the receipts and expenditures of the officer above referred to. This certainly answers the substantial end of the United States, and it is difficult to surmise the rationale of a different course. Hence I hope non such is insisted upon.
If I am wrong as the fact of resistance, of the reasoning seem to be of doubtful validity, I have to request that opportunity be given me to take such steps as good faith may require for the protection of innocent purchases. This can best be afforded by a continuance of the cause. 
I am, Sir,
Very Respectfully
Your Obedient Servant
(signed) Wager Swayne
Major General.

Headquarters Dist of Alabama
Montgomery, Ala. June 6 1866

[[left margin]] Groves. [[/left margin]]
Bvt. Capt. Jos. Groves
A.A.Q.M. and A.C.S.
Selma. Ala.
Your communication of the 4th inst is received
In reply, I have to say that Col Cadle will be in Selma on the 8th and