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common government, whose honor and interest I deemed equally at stake. At the same time, I procured the best counsel within my reach to see that all points of practice, with which I am not at all familiar, were carefully attended to. There was no difficulty in procuring the desired extension, and I presume your interests have not been in and way impaired. At the same term, the Judge, in a similar case, declared that where a sale had been effected in good faith, and the money lawfully applied to the use of the United States, his Court should not be used as an instrument of arbitrary injustice to collect it a second time.
I enclose to you a copy of a recent letter from the Attorney General, showing the status of the Congressional application. Meanwhile to preclude such mishaps as sometimes befall private bills, I have caused an amendment to be attached to the new Bureau bill in the Senate, giving the Commissioner general powers of the same nature. The bill has already passed the House, the Amendments will be taken charge of there by the Chairman of the Committee on Freedmen, Mr Elliott, and will without doubt be passed.

I regret that such necessity has come upon us, and shall endeavor not to fail you in carrying it through.

Very Respectfully,
Your Obedient Servant.
(Signed) Wager Swayne.
Maj. Genl.


[[left margin]] Howard [[/left margin]]
Head Quarters Dist of Alabama
Montgomery June 20, 1866.

Maj. Genl. O.O. Howard.
Commissioner, &c
Washington D.C.


I have the honor to transmit herewith the following Reports for the month of May, 1866.
Monthly Report of Refugees
Monthly Report of Freedmen
Monthly Report of Lands
Monthly Report of Changes and Assignments of Officers

Very Respectfully
Your Obedient Servant
Wager Swayne
Major General.

[[left margin]] Howard [[/left margin]]
Head Quarters, Dist. of Alabama
Montgomery, June 20, 1866.

Maj. Gen. O.O. Howard
Commissioner &c
Washington D.C.


I have the honor to inform you, with great regret, that Captain F.O. Steinberg, V.R.C - Agent and A.C.S. at Greenville, Butler County, has been by my order put in arrest and will as soon as possible be placed in confinement, for fraudulent sales of subsistence stores during the present month and the month preceding.

Statements involving this officer were made some time since, and the Adjutant General and the State Commissioner were sent separately to Greenville to investigate them, but without success. As the rumors continued, I then applied privately to my friend Mr. Crenshaw, President of the State Senate to make inquiry.