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Head Quarters District of Alabama
Montgomery Ala June 4th 1866

Groves Bvt Capt Joseph
A.A.Q.M. & A.C.S.
Selma Ala

Your communication of the 2nd inst is received. In reply I have to say that Colonel Cadle will be at Selma on Friday or Saturday next. You can retain possession of the Store house until he comes when he will make such arrangements as may be necessary

Very Respectfully
Your Obedient Servant
O.D. Kinsman
A.A. Genl
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Head Quarters District of Alabama
Montgomery Ala June 4th 1866

Callis Brevet. Col John. B.
Supt B.R.F. & A.L.
Huntsville Ala

Your communication of the 30th ult enclosing letter from Judge Scruggs and the Mayor of Huntsville, in reference to the Bureau being releived of the care of the Small Pox Hospital is received.

In reply the General desires me to say that he is much pleased in view of the action proposed to be taken

Very Respectfully
Your Obedient Servant
O.D. Kinsman
A A General
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McKim J. Miller
Cor. Sec. F & W. Com.
No 76 John Street
New York City

I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your communication of the 28th ult in reference to Clothing and blankets shipped to LF Mellen Esq at Mobile Ala. In reply I have to say that inquiry will be made as to the receipt and dispositions of the goods