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Head Quarters Dist of Alabama
Montgomery August 2, 1866

Callis Bvt Col J B
Supt B.R.F. & A.L.
Huntsville Ala


I have the honor to request that you will furnish this office with a full report of the difficulty which occurred in your City as short time since between the soldiers and the Colored Citizens at a baptismal ceremony held by the latter

Very respectfully
Your Obdt Servant
C Cadle Jr
Bvt Col & A.A.G.

Hed Quarters Dist of Alabama
Montgomery August 3rd 1866

Getty Surg T.M.
Med. Dir. Dept of the South
Macon Ga


I have the honor to inform you that I have placed AA Surg Williams in charge of the Hospital of the U.S. Forces at this Post, and given him General direction of the health of the Command.

A.A. Surg Hoffman will act under the direction of Dr. Williams.

I hope this disposition will be of short duration as in the absence of Surg Kipp the duties Dr. Williams in the Bureau are sufficiently onerous.

Very Respectfully
Your Obdt Servant
C Cadle Jr
Bvt. Col. & A. A. G.


Head Quarters District of Alabama
Montgomery Ala August 3rd 1866

Fowler Bvt Maj Wm. 
Asst Adjt Genl
In charge of Claim Division
War Dept Bureau R.F. & A.L.


I have the honor to forward herewith the following claims and papers for action in your Department.

Claims for Arrears of Pay & Bounty
Chas. Jenkins late Priv. Co "J" "40" U.S.C.I.
Jessie Kitt late Priv. Co "J" "40" U.S.C.I.
Robert Wau  late Priv. Co "F" "44" U.S.C.I.

Claim for Bounty
Jas Netherland late Priv. Co "A" "44" U.S.C.I.
Jas Barney late Priv. Co "D" "12" U.S.C.I.
Pittman Eldridge late Priv. Co "B" "44" U.S. C. Vols
Gabrial Kimulu  late Priv. Co "J" "44" U.S. C. Vols
Daniel McDaniels late Sergt. Co "D" "44" U.S. C. Vols
Geo Roper  late Priv. Co "F" "44" U.S.C.I.
Macklin Lightfoot late Priv. Co "D" "12" U.S.C.V.
James Cook late Priv. Co "D" "44" U.S.C.V.
Chas Ayers late Priv. Co "B" "13" U.S.C.V.
Thos Harris late Priv. Co "G" "101" U.S.C.V.
Elijiah Wiggins late Priv. Co "K" "14" U.S.C.V.
Turner Toussard late Priv. Co "G" "15" U.S.C.V.
William Allen late Priv. Co "E" "44" U.S.C.V.
Jacob Fulks late Priv. Co "C" "40" U.S.C.V.
John Walker late Priv. Co "C" "40" U.S.C.V.
Daniel Anderson late Priv. Co "C" "40" U.S.C.V.
Matthew Nesbit late Priv. Co "E" "44" U.S.C.V.
Jas Pruton late Priv. Co "E" "44" U.S.C.V.
Chas Henry late Priv. Co "D" "44" U.S.C.V.
Lewis Hardee late Priv. Co "F" "110" U.S.C.V.
Reuben Mathews late Priv. Co "B" "14" U.S.C.V.
Geo Johnson late Priv. Co "G" "101" U.S.C.V.
Leander Sparks late Priv. Co "G" "101" U.S.C.V.
Gabriel Blackburn late Cap. Co "B" "14" U.S.C.V.
Zacharia Johnson late Priv. Co "D" "44" U.S.C.V.
Harry Whitehead late Priv. Co "F" "44" U.S.C.V.