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Albert Douglas late Priv Co "K" 15 U.S.C.V.
Jas A McIntosh late Sergt Co "B" 17 U.S.C.V.
Jas Maples late Priv Co "A" 44 U.S.C.V.
Patrick Townshend late Priv Co "A" 44 U.S.C.V.
Frank Daniels late Priv Co "F" 44 U.S.C.V.
Henry Drake late Priv Co "K" 15 U.S.C.V.
Gae Jones late Priv Co "B" 12 U.S.C.V.
Mack Potter late Priv Co "H" 17 U.S.C.V.

Widow application for Arrears of Pay and Bounty
Rose Murphy Widow of Nelson Murphy died late Priv from Co "K" 111 U.S.C.I.
Caroline Miner Widow of Frank Miner died late Priv from Co "K" 111 U.S.C.I.
Anachy Bolan Widow of Edw Bolan died late Priv from Co "K" 111 U.S.C.I.
Rachel Harris Widow of Claiborne Harris died late Priv from Co "J" 15 U.S.C.V.
Nancy Jane Whitman Widow of Moses Whitman died late Priv from Co "E" 12 U.S.C.I.
Rhoda Toney Widow of Richmond alias Dick Toney died late Priv from Co "N" 17 U.S.C.I.

Widows Pension Claim
Rose Murphy Widow of Nelson Murphy died late Priv from Co "K" 111 U.S.C.I.
Caroline Miner Widow of Frank Miner died Priv late from Co "K" 111 U.S.C.I.
Anachy Bolan Widow of Edw Bolan died late Priv from Co "K" 111 U.S.C.I.
Rachel Harris Widow of Claiborne Harris died Priv late from Co "J" 15 U.S.C.V.
Nancy Jane Whitman Widow of Moses Whitman died Priv late from Co "E" 12 U.S.C.I.
Rhoda Toney Widow of Richmond alias Dick Toney died Priv late from Co "N" 17 U.S.C.I.

Mothers Application Arrears of Pay and Bounty
Pleasant O'Neil Mother of John O'Neil died Priv ate from Co "G" 110 U.S.C.V.
Pleasant Reeves Mother of Hammond Reeves died Priv late from Co "H" 44 U.S.C.I.
Martha Taylor Mother of Henry Taylor died late Priv from Co "E" 15 U.S.C.I.

Mother Claim for Pension
Pleasant O'Neil Mother of John O'Neil died Priv late from Co "G" 110 U.S.C.V.

Fathers Application for Bounty
Annstead Harris Father of Cyrus Harris died late Priv from Co "J" 15 U.S.C.I.

Fathers Application Arrears of Pay and Bounty
Cass T Yateman Father of John Yateman died late Priv from Co "F" 17 U.S.C.I.

Power of Attorney in Claims for Arrears Pay & Bounty
William Rann late Priv Co "B" 110 U.S.C.I.

Power of Attorney in Fathers Claim for Arrears Pay & Bounty
Lewis Chapman Father of Seth Chapman died late Priv from 18 U.S.C.I.

Power of Attorney in Widows Claims for Arrears Pay & Bounty
Cley Holding Widow of Anderson Holding died late Priv Co H 17 from 18 U.S.C.I.

Very Respectfully
Your Obdt Servant
C Cadle Jr
Bvt Col & A.A.G.
The Asst Commissioner being absent.

Head Quarters Dist of Alabama
Montgomery  August 3rd 1866

Whiting Capt L.J.
Act Supt B.R.F. & A.L.
Mobile Ala


Your communication of the 31st Ult. with enclosures relative to an outrage committed in Baldwin Co. is received.  It has been referred to the Department Commander with the enquiry as to whether the Military shall interfere in accordance with Genl. Grants order.

Very Respectfully
Your Obedient Servant
O.D. Kinsman
Bvt Maj & A.A. Genl.

Head Quarters Dist of Alabama
Montgomery  August 3rd 1866

Probate Judge Russel Co Ala


A communication has been received at these Head Quarters containing the Affidavit of Laura Taylor freedwoman in reference to her two children being bound out without her knowledge or consent to Mr Frank Byrken on whose plantation she lived last year.

Will you please report to these Head Quarters the facts in the case.

Very Respectfully
Your Obdt Servant
O.D. Kinsman
Bvt Maj & A.A.G.