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Head Quarters Sub Dist of Alabama
Montgomery Oct. 24th 1866

Elderkin, Bvt Maj W.A., C.S. 
216/237 Mobile Alabama
Instructions received at this Office and transmitted to you herewith require the purchase of Corn and Bacon and their distribution to the destitute of this State to the extent of forty thousand dollars for three months. 
Pursuant to the instructions you have been selected as purchasing Commissary, and will at once procure and ship as hereinafter directed such quantity of merchantable white corn of the first quality between forty and fifty thousand bushels, as shall make twenty thousand sacks; and one hundred thousand pounds of bacon, (clear sides) or as near that quanty as convenient packages will admit. 
Should you find that the amount probably requisite to purchase a quantity of bacon will procure from adjacent Commissary depots a quantity of mess pork considerably larger and of as good a quality you will make substitution accordingly and your receipts will be adjusted with the Commissary General, by the Commissioner of the Bureau. 
The above are for distribution on the basis of the enclosed letter of MH Cruikeshank, State Commissioner for the destitute of Alabama. The places designated as the points of distribution and the quantity required at each will indicate to you the places for purchase and made of shipment, most advantageous to the Government, promptness being a material consideration. 
The "regulations" which I am required to prepare, and which have been already issued, as modified by a subsequent dispatch from General Howard, and your shipments will be made to the Act or Asst Commissioner at the points indicated as principal depots. Mr Cruikshank's letter not being your guide in this particular. 
You will observe that shipments are ordered to Tuscumbia and Decatur, where there are no officers now on duty. 
The Asst Commissary at Huntsville will be directed to receive shipments at these points to save the cost of return transportation. 
Your Shipments to Eufaula and Talladega will be consigned to the persons designated in Mr. Cruikshanks letter until they can be replaced by detail from the Army


You will sign vouchers for your different purchases payable on presentation to Bvt Lt Col Edwin Beecher disbursing officer of the Bureau at their Head Quarters, and will contract for transportation on the same timeswith the further condition of first obtaining the receipt of the consignee.
To prevent loss or misapplication you will cause each package of supplies to be conspicuously marked as the property of the United States.
You will report frequently and in detail by letter to these Head Quarters giving also your telegraph address.
Very Respectfully
Your Obedient Servat 
Wager Swayne
Major General


Head Quarters Sub Dist of Alabama
Montgomery Ala Oct 24th 1866
Hudson Major E.M.K.
233/244 Comdg Post of Mobile
Mobile Ala
Upon inquiring this morning for your note in reference to the transfer of the Marine Hospital. I find that it was returned to you for an enclosure which has meantime been received.
The order of General Woods, being as you will perceive from the enclosed, baised upon direct instructions of the Secretary of War. I am not at liberty to delay or modify its execution. 
In reply however to what is said in regard to the removal of the sick, I can say to you from my knowledge of the other antecedents of this order, that the removal of the sick is not its primary object or indeed effected by it, it being as far from me as it can be from any one to disregard the welfare of the men. Indeed the owner of the Secretary is but the repetition of a note signed by himself which he sent six months ago to General Woods the execution of which was delayed at my request. 
When the matter was first favorably considered by the President the patients were very fine, and the Department Medical Director heartily censured.