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Head Quarters Sub Dist of Alabama
Montgomery Ala Dec 8th 1866 

Shorkley Lieut Geo
Comdg Post of Selma


I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 4th inst transmitting proceedings of a Board of Survey. The property pertaining to the different Depts will have to be acted upon and proceedings made out on separate setts of papers. So that the Officer responsible can send with his Returns to the Chiefs of Depts Copies of the proceedings of the Board as Vouchers.

You will please consult with Capt Groves. The papers as at present made out will not enable him to send the Vouchers required by the several Depts.

I am very Respectfully 
Your Obdt Servant
J. F. Conyingham 
1st Lieut 15th U.S.I. & A.A.A.G.

Head Quarters Sub Dist of Alabama
Montgomery Ala Dec 8th 1866

Greene Bvt Maj S. C.
Act Asst Adjt Genl
Dist of the Chatt


Please forward a supply of Blanks for use in making out Monthly Returns from these Head Quarters. The Return and Tri Monthly of Nov 30th from Post of Fort Gaines not yet received.

I am Very Respectfully
Your Obdt Servt
Wager Swayne
Major General

Head Quarters District of Alabama
Montgomery Ala Dec 10th 1866

Tracey Bvt Maj Gen. H.


On My return recently from Washington and New York I found awaiting me the enclosed letter from Mr Geo. W. Young, Deputy Collector at Mobile. I shall ask you to oblige me by seeing that gentleman, and making my apology for non attention to his letter by reason of absence and later press of business. You can do so by showing him this letter, which


will have other matter for his attention.

The order referred to was  issued in persuance of freshly received instructions from the Secretary of War. Whether it was premature is of course a question not for me but for the Secretary. I do not however understand it as referring primarily to the removal of the Marine patients.  My own proposition to the Secretary of the Treasury was that these last be removed whenever they could elsewhere be "full as well as cared for as at present, and without increased expense". I have of course no thought of varying from its tenor, and as I have a letter of request upon another subject from Mr. Elmore, now at Washington, I shall ask him in my reply to explain to the Secretary the delay that has occurred, the causes of which are various.

Now that the cholera and yellow fever are no longer threatening, I have ordered the removal of the military patients, with the design of effecting it by the 1st prox. And if Mr Young will now cooperate with me in filling the condition of my agreement with the Secretary, I shall be glad when I can, to repay the obligation.

I would be glad to have you, in company with him, arrange for the reception of the Marine patients elsewhere. Any reasonable difference of expense the Bureau will defray - or if as has occurred to me might be more suitable for all parties. I am willing you should rent for hospital purposes the Mobile  Medical College, and the entire medical arrangement now established in the building which we want, transferred to it. You can see the Surgeon of the Post about this. I have not felt as much solicitude in providing for his wants as I should if he had been more polite to Dr. Kipp. I thought of mentioning him at the Department, where we have not failed of reasonable vindication, but thought I would wait the issue of his conduct in this matter of removal.

Respectfully, Your obedient servant
Wager Swayne
Maj. Gen & Asst. Comm'r