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Head Quarters Sub Dist of Alabama
Montgomery Ala  Dec 20" 1866

Wood F.M. Esq
Eufaula, Ala.


A communication has been received from the War Dept Bureau R.F. & A.L. inquiring as to the advisability of furnishing transportation to Mrs Creyon (Colored) and three young children from Columbia S.C. to Eufaula, Ala.  Mrs Creyon stating that she has older children in the latter place who can assist her.  As there is no Bureau Agent in your place, I take the liberty of asking that if you are in possession of, or can gain any information in regard to these older children, their means of support &c you will forward the same to me.  By so doing you will oblige

Yours Very Respectfully
O.D. Kinsman

Head Quarters Sub Dist of Alabama
Montgomery Ala  Dec 20" 1866

To the Warden of the Penitentiary


You are hereby authorized and directed to transfer to the bearer, all employee of the U.S. Quartermaster Department the tent cloth now in your hands as the property of the late Rebel Government, and to which this Bureau is entitled under the enclosed order of the President of the United States.

Your Obdt Servant
Maj Genl & Asst Commr

Head Quarters Sub Dist of Alabama
Montgomery Ala  Dec 20" 1866

Waters Lieut Jos.
Comdg U.S. Forces
Greenville, Ala.


A dispatch has been received at this office from D.B. Parner of Greenville stating that Enoch, Hix, was arrested 


yesterday by the Civil Authorities and held for trial, on Monday next and asking that the Generals order be suspended "until the civil authorities can try the case".  The General telegraphed Mr Purner in reply that "Although Hix's case is considered as strictly within military cognizance" he is "willing to suspend as requested" and you were telegraphed to wait instructions.  The General directs that you turn Mr Hix over to the Sheriff's custody on the condition that Mr Hix shall not be admitted to bail by the civil authorities.  Should the civil authorities agree to receive Mr Hix into their custody on this condition you will return to this place, with your detachment, leaving in Greenville as heretofore directed a good non-commissioned officer and five (5) men.

I am Very Respectfully
Your Obdt Servant
J.F. Conynyham
1" Lieut 24th U.S.I. and A.A.A.G.

Head Quarters Sub Dist of Alabama
Montgomery Ala  Dec 21" 1866

Howard Major General O.O.
Commissioner &c
Washington D.C.


With a view to affording better facilities to freedmen in securing homesteads, I have the honor to ask your attention to House Bill No 747, consolidating the various land offices in this State into one at Montgomery.  At present lands in Southern Alabama, can only be entered at St Stephens, the most inconvenient possible location.  Indeed I am told that, although officers were appointed long since, the office has never been even nominally opened.

The resolution above referred to passed the House last session, was read twice in the Senate and referred.  If it could be brought up and passed, we could at once undertake the whole business for Freedmen in the State.

I am General
Very Respectfully
Your Obdt Servant
Maj Genl & Asst Commr