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Head Quarters Sub Dist of Alabama
Montgomery Ala Dec 24" 1866

McGogy J.F
Agent Bureau R.F. and A.L.
Greenville, Ala.


Your communication of the 23rd inst asking a second transportation order for E. Caldwell, wife and child, and stating that the 1st order had been accidently destroyed is received.  In reply I have the honor to enclose the transportation desired.
I am Very Respectfully
Yours obdt Servant
O.D. Kinsman

Head Quarters Sub Dist of Alabama
Montgomery Ala Dec 24" 1866

Tracy Bvt Maj Gen. H
Supt B.R.F & A.L
Mobile Ala

Your communication of the 20 inst in reference to the marine hospital at Mobile is received.  A copy of said letter, together with other copies of correspondence in the matter has been forwarded to the Commissioner at Washington for his action.

I am Very Respectfully
Yours obdt Servant
O.D. Kinsman

Head Quarters Sub Dist of Alabama
Montgomery Ala Dec 24" 1866

Howard Maj Gen O.O
Commr Bureau R.F. and A.L.
Washington D.C


I have the honor to forward herewith for your information copies of correspondence in the subject of the Marine Hospital at Mobile being turned over to me.  Said copies consist of Letter from this office to Maj Tracy Supt at Mobile dated Dec 10", Telegram


and letter to Maj Gen Thomas Dec 18" and letter from Maj Tracy Dec 20".  Please help us if you can with the Secretary in regard to Mr Young.

I am General
Very Respectfully
Your obdt servant
Maj Gen & Asst Commr

Head Quarters Sub Dist of Alabama
Montgomery Ala Dec 24" 1866

Balloch Bvt Brig Gen G.H
Chf Dis Officer Bureau R.F and A.L
Washington D.C


Your communication of the 18" inst containing the Vouchers of J.J. Martin for an amount of $300 for oxen used for the benefit of the "Freedmens Colony" at this place, is received.  I have the honor to return the Vouchers herewith with the necessary signature to the certificate.

I am General
Very Respectfully
Your obdt servant
Maj Gen & Asst Commr

Head Quarters Sub Dist of Alabama
Montgomery Ala Dec 26" 1866

Ketchum Maj A.P
A.A.G. Freedmen's Bureau
Washington D.C


I am in receipt of your note of 19" inst asking another printed copy of my annual Report.  The one you first received was simply a proof that I got hold of two days earlier than more were to be had.

By this time you are doubtless in receipt of six that I sent two or three days later I will to try to send another six today.

Very Respectfully
Your Obedient Servant
Maj Gen & Asst Commr