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Head Quarters Sub Dist of Alabama
Montgomery Ala Jany 7th 1867
McGogg  J. F.
321/330  Agent Greenville, Ala.
Your communication of the 4th inst in regard to contracts made by the freedmen where intoxicated is received. I have to say that the spirit and intent of common law is against the enforcement of a contract made by a party who from any cause whatever is in an ____ state of mind. It is therefore considered further that the freedmen be advised that the contracts made by them where in that condition. Through their would be employers means, are not-binding. 
Very Respectfully
Your ()-servant 

Head () Sub Dist of Alabama
(Moulgomery) Ala Jany 7"1867

Adjt Gen
Washington D.C.
I have the honor to ask that two hundred (200)cofaies of general orders no so, war defer series 1863, may be sent for use at this office.

Very Respectfully
Your obill servant


Head Quarter Sub Dist of Alabama
Montgomery Ala Jany 8" 1867

Mrs Andy.
Alpharetta Ga


Mary [?] (Col) has applied to me for transportation for her child, now with you, from your place to Greenville Ala.  Being desirous of enabling the child to reach its mother I enclose transportation for her from Marietta Ga. to Greenville Ala.  If you will cause the child to be placed on the train at Atlanta for Montgomery she will only have to change cars once between Atlanta and Greenville, and that one change will be at this place and in the same depot.  Please notify Hon. B.F. Porter of Greenville, three (3) days before the departure of the child that the mother may be ready to receive it. 

Yours Respectfully
Your obill Servant
P.B. Minnaw