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by mutual consent the first contract and immediately enter into the second.  It is very desirable that all contracts should be approved by an officer of the Bureau.  The power which may be possessed by the Bureau at the close of the current year has an important bearing upon this question.  The "Vagrant Law" as passed by the Legislature and approved Dec 15" 65, is not valid but unconstitutional since it conflicts with that provision of the State Constitution which provides that "in all cases tried by a Justice of the Peace, the right of appeal shall be secured under such rules and regulations as may be prescribed by law".  The Supreme Court of the State has decided that a provision as to said appeal must be inserted in the body of the bill, giving certain jurisdiction to Justices of the Peace.  No such provision is contained in the Vagrant Law"

Very Respectfully
Your obedient Servant
O.D. Kinsman

Head Quarters Sub Dist of Alabama
Montgomery Ala  Jany 16" 1867

Arthur Capt W.C.
Talladega Ala


Since you went from here I have learned that probably the Baptist College which you were instructed to try to rent can be purchased at a cost greatly less than such buildings could be erected for elsewhere.  If this be so, it follows to my mind that probably it could be made extremely useful for school purposes, as a permanent institution where teachers and missionaries for the colored race can be raised up under the care of a society which is I am assured both willing and prepared to take the enterprise in hand and to conduct it most efficiently.  Examine into this and write me fully as soon as practicable sending also your views as to what should in that event be done towards the establishment and maintenance of a Colony and hospital at Talladega.

Very Respectfully
Your obedt servt
Major General


Head Quarters Sub Dist of Alabama
Montgomery Ala Jany 16" 1867

Callis Col John. B.
Supt Bureau R.F. & A.L.
Huntsville Ala


On the occasion of the visit of Major General Howard to this place, he expressed a natural surprise that while poor people, very poor indeed, abound in the vicinity of Huntsville, the supplies furnished at that point had been retained in bulk nearly two months, and were exposed unsheltered to the weather.  Hearing this I telegraphed you what I hoped you already understood, that while shipments were made to you with the understanding that you would avail yourself of the aid and responsibility of the State Authorities in their distribution yet wherever neglect or malfeasance was apparent you would at once by virtue of your supervisory power, interfere, taking the matter into your own hands.  I have since heard nothing from you, and write to request of you a Special Report upon the matter referred to and the General subject of the issue of the recent instalment of corn and bacon in your District.

Another matter which I wish to bring to your attention, that the handling of these supplies should be confided, and as far as practicable confined to loyal men, and that wherever there is reason to believe they are entrusted to persons who evince antiphathy to freedmen or to persons of decided union sentiments or antecedents, an intimation from you will secure a change in that particular.  I wish you to consider this a point of the inquiry to be embraced in your Report.

I am Colonel
Very Respectfully
Your obedient servant
Major General